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It's Sunday, around 5:30 pm, and I don't have any plans right now. Benny hasn't come over yet, which is weird because he's always here, but I'll let it slide. I'm in my kitchen studying the pills that I found yesterday. The orange bottles were wrapped with a small piece of paper with tape, my name, and what type of pills they are, were written on it. I struggled to open the bottle, I smashed it a few times on the counter. After a few minutes of twisting and smashing, I finally opened it. White pills fell out of both bottles. In the birth control, one a rolled piece of paper fell with the pills. As I unrolled the paper, I tried reading the words, but it was too wrinkly and the pencil led has worn out. Slowly I read them out loud.
Only for Amelia
(For future use)
"What?" I'm never going to take these. I don't care if they are necessary, they can damage me even if their purpose is to cure. These adults are crazy, these are literally drugs. My mom would never do this to me. No wonder Jaxon is the way he is, his parents probably gave him drugs too.


"Finally Benny is here."
I cleaned up the pills as fast as I could and ran to the front door. I opened it and surprisingly it was Benny's mom.
"Oh, hi." I didn't sound very excited.
"Hi, honey." She hugged me.
"What's up?"-Me
"I hope you're not busy."-Valeria
"No, I'm not."-Me
"Oh good. I was wondering if you can take care of Sofia and Nico. I'm going to be working a night shift today."-Valeria
"Yeah, I can take care of them." Benny obviously wasn't home.
"Thank you so much. I thought you were with Benny. He's at Bertram's house watching a game with the boys." She seemed confused also.
"Really?" My heart dropped. I wasn't trying to be clingy at all. It is our first time in a relationship though, I totally understand.
"He didn't invite you?" She also started to feel bad.
"Um, no. But it's ok." I chuckled nervously.
"It's his first time in a relationship. He'll understand later on." She smiled trying to brighten up the mood.
"Yeah, I know. Anyway, what time do you want me to be there."-Me
"Umm." She looked at her watch.
"In about 20 minutes." She smirked.
"Okay, I'll be there." I smiled.
"Thank you, Amelia." She waved and left for her house.
I shut the door and ran upstairs to get ready.
"Where's Amelia?" -Bertram
"I don't think she likes watching the games."-Me
I didn't see her the whole day today. I felt like a bad boyfriend. I and the boys sat in Bertram's living room.
"What do you mean you don't think? Did you even ask?" Like always Bertram worried about every move I did in my relationship.
"No. I just know she would get bored." I started to sound dumb. As if I didn't want her to be with me all the time, I truly do appreciate her company all the time.
"Guys, let's talk about this later. The game is starting." Kenny never wanted to be in other people's problems.
"Be quiet now." Squints pushed up his glasses staring at the tv.
I kept thinking about Amelia instead of focusing on the game. Now that Bertram brought her up, she's all I thought about.
Knocking on the Rodriguez's home I hoped Benny was there. I heard Sofia talking, making me smile. Valeria opened the door. She was dressed like a businesswoman or something.
"Hi." I flashed her a smile.
"Amelia." Sofia came running behind her mom.
"Thank you, Amelia. I'll be back at 5 in the morning. If you want you can sleepover. I don't know if Benny will sleep at his friend's house or not." She leads me to the kitchen.
"Ok, I'll stay here if he doesn't come back." I still felt bad. I started overthinking, I tried not to.
"Good, they already ate dinner. So here are some snacks, feel free to get some. Oh, and they have to be in bed at 9." She showed me where everything was located.
"Okay, thanks."-Me
She walked past me to the entrance to put her shoes on.
"Anytime." Valeria was really sweet. She definitely raised Benny right, and of course his other siblings.
Sofia ran up to her mom giving her a peck on the cheek. Valeria told her something in Spanish. The only thing I understood was the word "Bien" which means "Good", so she probably told Sofia to be good. Valeria waved at me with a smile and left.
8:00 pm
Benny still hasn't come home. Me, Sofia, and Nicolas sat in the backyard looking at the sunset. I wish Benny was here.
"Amelia?" Nico faced me.
"What is it?" He looked disappointed.
"Do you think I'm weird?" He looked at the floor.
Sofia laughed.
"Very." I chuckled not knowing he was being serious.
"No, I'm being for real." He made eye contact with me.
"Well yeah, so what everyone's weird." I shrugged trying to sound unbothered so he won't keep being disappointed.
"Yeah, but Benny makes me think that I am."-Nico
Sofia was being pretty quiet right now.
"Ever since our parents got divorced he became more distant from me."
Benny has never told me about his past before. I'm surprised that Nico was more comfortable talking about this than Benny.
"Oh, were you guys close before?" I didn't want to ask him about his dad.
"Yeah." He sighed.
"Me too," Sofia added.
"Well, I think that now that I'm here there is a chance you'll become good siblings again." I gave them a smile trying to boost the mood.
"Yeah, you give me hope, Amelia." Nico nodded.
Sofia and Nico are already asleep. I was in the living room watching a movie. I thought about Benny. Was I getting too attached to him? Am I annoying? He maybe just needs space.
"This time it has to be Benny." I walked to the door. I was right, Benny stood right in front of me. His eyes widened when he saw me.
"About time," I smirked.
"Amelia, I am so, so, so sorry." He scratched the back of his neck as he made his way inside.
"Woah, Woah, calm down." I closed the door and turned the tv off. Benny sighed.
"I'm sorry I didn't ask if you wanted to come to watch the game." He was more relaxed now.
"It's fine. I didn't want to go anyways." I lied just to make him feel better. I walked closer to him to give him a peck on his lips. He felt really bad so after he gave me the biggest hug.
"Where's my mom anyway?" We separated from our hug.
"She's working a night shift. I took care of Sofia and Nico."-Me
"Can your sleepover? Please?" He put his hands in a prayer position.
"Hmm...Ok. Let me just change." I ran home to change into something more comfortable. The pills were still sitting on the counter where I left them before. I hid them in my bed, so when Jaxon and his parents come back, the adults won't find them.
I ran back to Benny's house. The lights were off so I made my way to his room. He was in the bathroom. Laying on his bed I looked up at the ceiling. I thought about what Nico told me earlier. I wasn't planning on telling Benny though, they will see change later on. A bright light went through his window, I sat up to get a closer look. The moon shone brightly. Today was a full moon and it looked really big. I heard the bathroom door open but I ignored it.

I watched Amelia fall in love with the moon. When I walked into my room she didn't care to turn around. I got closer to her putting my arms around her waist and my chin on her shoulder.
"Isn't it beautiful, the moon?" She mumbled with her soft voice.
"Yeah. It is." I sighed. I was beginning to admire the moon just like Amelia.
"And, look at the stars."-Amelia
I looked at her. The natural light from the moon made her blue eyes shine bright. I admired her little cute nose and soft pink lips, she's perfect.
Here are more pictures of Malina Weissman (Amelia) SHES SO PRETTYYYY.

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Oh to be Amelia

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Oh to be Amelia. The election is today and a girl is nervousss. Byeee :)

beautiful boy . ⎯ benny r.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz