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Today was what...Tuesday? Wednesday? I lost track. I stood in center field waiting for Smalls to bat, he was that last one up, then we can call it a day. The only things in my mind right now:
My cousin
And Benny
I'm not even sure if I'm actually going back or not.
"Only a visit, Amelia." I keep reminding myself.
Ok, better now.
The ball flew its way to me. I put my glove in the air, but the sun was in my face. Luckily I caught it, the boys cheered me on and I threw it to Bertram who stood at second base.
"Let's call it a day." Smalls took his hat off when he got to third base.After a moment later of talking and chugging our drinks, I got up to leave and I said my goodbyes to everyone. Walking back to the gate, Benny went behind me and threw his arms over my shoulders, attacking me with kisses. Giggling I tried moving him away by lightly pushing his cheek away.
"Benny... I can't see where I'm going." I say giggling as he repeatedly kissed my cheek.
"I don't care." He stopped for a while and that was my chance to escape. I ran away from him, I was laughing so much I couldn't run a lot.
"Hey! You can't do that!" He caught up.
"I have every right to." I say smiling.

While holding a small conversation, I realized we reached our neighborhood.
"I'll see ya." I gave Benny a hug and began walking to my house.
"That's it?" Immediately, he said behind my back.
Chuckling I turned around, "What do you mean?" 
He took my wrist pulling me closer to him so he can kiss me.
"Now you can go." He walked away, entering his house.
"He kills me."
The rest of the afternoon I decorated, cleaned, and reorganized my room.
"Finally." I dropped on my bed staring at the ceiling once I got done with my room.
"What should I do..."
I wanted to call Wednesday but I didn't know if she was busy or not. I wandered around the house while Michael Jackson was playing in the living room. My recovery from my E.D has been getting better, I eat a bit here and there, but it's better than before, thanks to Benny. I don't know what I'd do without him. I got myself a banana and put peanut butter on it.
I walked over to phone thinking it was Wednesday.
"Hey, We-"
"Amelia? Hi, it's Andrea."
"Oh, hi."
She was mumbling as if she didn't want no one to hear her.
"Umm... We might be flying back next week."
"Oh, ok."
"Yeah... Connor isn't doing well."
She started sniffling. I stopped chewing on my food so I could hear clearly.
I began to get nervous.
"Andrea get the hell over here!"
Connor yelled at Andrea.
"What's wrong?"
"N-nothing. Just expect us to come back next week."
After she hung up.
"That was weird." They've been having problems lately, lost of arguments and fists being thrown at. I was getting worried for Andrea....and maybe Jaxon. But, they could be here any day now, and if Connor sees me he can treat me the way he treats Andrea. I began to get scared, my plan was to talk to them about the pills when they came back, but with Connor in this state it won't be a good idea. After finishing my snack, I went to my room and put the pills away exactly how they were when I found them in the cabinet's. My chest started aching.
"Oh gosh, not another panic attack." I ran to the entrance to put my shoes on, opened the front door, and ran to Benny's house. It was warm outside, it began to get dark, it was around 9:30. Valeria didn't seem to be there. My eyesight began to go blurry. I knocked on their door, Nico opened it shortly after.
"He's up in his room."
Without a word I made my way immediately to Benny's room. Sofia and Valeria weren't here. His door was closed, so I knocked on it lightly.
"It's Amelia." My chest hurt bad and I couldn't breathe well. It seemed that Benny took his sweet time to open the door.
"I was taking a na-"
He saw how I was, so he pulled my hand and sat me in his bed. I began crying, thinking that I was going to die.
"Do you need me to talk?"
He knew exactly what to do whenever I had these attacks.
"No, I just need something to play with." I mumbled. Benny let me play with his hands to calm down the attack. After calming down, I washed my face with cold water in Benny's bathroom. I took deep breaths before going back to Benny's room.
"Better now?" His back was against his headboard.
I sighed. "Better."
He opened his arms signaling me to cuddle with him. I rested on top of him putting my head on his chest.
"Is everything ok?" He whispered.
"Connor is going crazy."
"What do you mean?"
"They're coming back next week, Andrea said that he isn't doing well."
"How do you know?"
"She called earlier.... Lets not talk about this anymore, please?"
"Yeah, sorry." He kissed my head.
"I'll always be here for you, you know right?" He rubbed my back lightly.
"Yeah, I know." I smiled
"I'll be here for you always, Benny." I said back, I didn't want to leave him hanging.
"I think that's our way of saying, I love you." He chuckled.
I jumped up to face him.
"I think so." Cupping his face I kissed him.
I returned back to my cuddling position.
"Good night, I love you." I say.
"I loved you too." I felt him smile.
I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
I have no inspiration rn lol. If you want something to happen in the next chapter feel free to comment.
-Alice <3

Therapy: Expensive
10 second long Mike Vitar Interview: Free

beautiful boy . ⎯ benny r.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu