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(Sorry if im going to fast and not telling their freshman experience more in deep, I wanna start writing their experience in the prep school(sophomore) cause that one is going to have lots of drama)

After agreeing to play hockey, I began practicing with Connies team, Kenny was also in her team surprisingly. She was actually really happy that I'm playing with her, aside from being the only girl, she told me that she finally has someone who understands her more than the boys. It's only been a week and I already grew a pretty big bond with the ducks, they reminded me of the sandlot boys, but they could never compete.
But anyways, I sat in boring history. School ends next week, finally.

I wasn't paying attention to what the teacher was talking about, I just stared out the window, watching the clouds move slowly, and the clear blue sky.
I suddenly feel someone tap my back. I turn around and it was Benny. He sat behind me, on my right was Charlie and in front of me, Julie, on my left it was just the window.
"What." I say whispering, turning to my right.
"You play hockey now?" He says whispering back.
"Yeah, why."
Chuckling he said,"You're a duck? Quack Quack." Charlie had heard what Benny said, I know how important this team means to him and if someone makes fun of it, it's no good. Charlie looked mad, I turned back around giving him a look saying, "Ignore him."
"Hey, don't get mad. Jeez." Benny then says behind my back. I turn back around,"What makes you think I'm mad?"
Benny was acting different. He only shook his head.
"If you have a problem with me playing hockey, tell me instead of making fun of me." I whispered as Benny avoided eye contact. Charlie was grinning when I glanced at him.

As much as I tried to get Amelia to stop interfering with Charlie it never worked. I don't care if she doesn't talk to him at all, I know he likes her. I signed up for hockey to hopefully be there with Amelia instead of leaving her with Charlie.
"Maybe I'm just insecure." I don't know why I'm being like this, I still really like Amelia, and I've been trying to get over her. Nothing really seems to work. Unless, I make her jealous so she can be clingy like she always was.
"Why am I being like this?" I have to admit that I realized myself that I changed, and not in a good way.

I stood up from my seat and threw my backpack on, Julie waited for me at the entrance to walk the halls with her, she was the only person I had all my classes with, our next class was Math, and the last.
She sighed saying, "Math, hate it."
"Mmm, it's whatev-"
Charlie came behind me cutting me off, "Amelia, coming to practice?"
Julie gave me a look saying, "I feel bad for you." Cause he literally always wants to be in my presence.
"Duh, I'm always there." I say smiling to seem nice and not annoyed.
"Great, we'll be expecting some new players in a few weeks." Then he left.
"Should I join?" Julie said watching Charlie walk away.
"Hockey? Yes!" I was actually interested in knowing who the new players were. Hopefully Benny doesn't, if he does...pray for me.

June 1995
Finally, school is over. I keep thinking that this summer will be the same as the last one, sadly, it isn't. I heard that the only ones that played were the younger ones, but Bertram was the only one that still went out of Me, Kenny, and Benny.
"We'll always go to the sandlot no matter what..." I remember telling Yeah Yeah and Squints. I miss the sandlot I really do, but now I'm in hockey. Hopefully on my days off I can go play, and hopefully they will accept me. My life back home with Andrea and Jaxon wasn't really different, we just did our own things, Me and Jaxon will be at our own practices and Andrea will be at work. We still had a healthy relationship, but Andrea trusted me less and less when I won't take my birth control, this woman is so...ugh.

(The events from the movie will be the same, I'm not going to write down the whole script and what every character said in the movie if that makes sense)

Anyways, I sat in the locker room waiting for Connie to get ready. These hockey suits bothered me so much, I kinda dig them though.
"Heard we're gonna get new players, wonder who they'll be." She said as she braided her hair. I always put my hair in a bun letting my bangs fall in front of my face, it reminded me of when I put on my mom's wedding dress for Benny, I regret it so much now.
"Well, Julie asked me if she should join, I think she signed up."
Connie was hiding something, I can tell from the look she had on her face.
"What if Benny joins?" She smiled foolishly.
"Benny?!" I started to blush and my heart began to pound fast.
"I'm kidding, see that shows you still like him." She smirked. I rolled my eyes making my way to the rink.
The boys were standing in a circle arguing, me and Connie joined in.
"Just stand in a line, no biggie."-Kenny
"Let's just start to practice and wait till they come."-Goldie
"They're coming in any second now, just listen to Kenny."-Banks
Me and Connie exchange confused looks. Coach Bombay came walking to us.
Clapping to get our attention he yells, "Kids, kids, get in line their coming." A old man walked next to him.
We stood in a line like Coach said and waited for the new players, all I knew was that Julie was definitely going to join. They came out and it was a few of the kids from lunch that we were friends with, but then behind them was a familiar person.
"BENNY?! Oh no..."

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