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I watched Benny walk into the rink. First he makes fun of me for playing hockey, and now he is in hockey. I tried to hide my frustration, it was so hard to watch Benny join us. The whole point of me joining hockey was to get over him, but I guess not.
"Amelia, is that who I think it is?" Connie whispered.
I sigh, "Yeah."
She also looked frustrated.
"At least Julie is with us." She says changing the topic.
"Yeah, I guess." My stomach twirled in knots.
Me and Kenny exchanged confused looks.
"I think he's too cool to be around little kids." He told me whispering. I laughed looking at the floor.
"Benny Rodriguez, really fast, but only has one problem." The old guy said, apparently he's our sponsor.
We all watched Benny skate, he isn't that bad. But, I thought he only had baseball on his mind.
Benny suddenly crashed making me snap out of my thoughts.
"He has trouble stopping." The guy said.
I chuckled, "That's embarrassing." I whispered to Connie. We chuckled quietly. I began to grow a bit a hatred towards Benny, it's the way he acts, he's changed, sadly.

When the sponsor guy stopped introducing all the new players we began playing scrimmage. I play as left winger and I'm number 24.

(Author:Here are what the positions look like so you know what each one is called, I don't know the rest of the team's positions tho lol. I don't know anything about hockey so don't attack me if I say something wrong)

 I don't know anything about hockey so don't attack me if I say something wrong)

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"Team one, Julie, Amelia, Charlie, Kenny, Banks, and Dwayne."
After coach said my team I went straight to my position as he sorted the other team. Charlie came behind me saying, "Careful, you're going to have to tackle Benny."
"What? He's right wing?"
He nodded as he went to center.
"Shit." I mumbled to myself. Benny skated to me and got into position. We both stared into each other's souls. It was awkward until I said, "You're ass should've stayed at the sandlot."
He gave me a dirty look that heated me up.
Coaches whistle blew. I pushed Benny as hard as I could, immediately he fell on the floor.
"Ow! Hey!" He yelled behind me as I followed the puck.
Chuckling I say,"It's all part of the game, sorry"
What did he expect?

During the summer...
Everyday is the same, I'll go to hockey practice then ice skate for a few minutes in the rink by myself just to clear my mind then go home. Hendrix sponsored us and we are playing for team U.S.A now, which is kinda cool. Coach Bombay kinda got really famous and he isn't the same coach as he was. We all became disappointed on how he started acting.
Sense Benny was in the same team as me, not much changed, we grew a love hate relationship, sometimes we won't talk to each other at all but then somedays we get along well like all friends do. It was kinda toxic, but at least we don't hate each other completely.

This summer really wasn't really exciting, that's why I don't talk about it much like I did with last summer at the sandlot. We played against Trinidad, Russia, Italy, and best for last, Iceland. The Iceland team had some drama going on between us, we played against them twice and we are going to play with them again. That was when me and Benny got along and put all the toxic energy aside to focus on beating Iceland.

Iceland game...
"What do they want with us anyways." I sat in between Benny and Charlie.
"I have no idea." Charlie had given his position to Adam sense we replaced him with this new kid, Russ, while he was recovering from his injury, so Charlie was coaching with Coach Bombay.
We were all so overwhelmed by the pressure put on us.
"It's all in between the coaches,"-Benny
"Why can't they handle it like adults-"
"Amelia, switch with Connie." Coach Bombay said behind me, hopefully he didn't hear me talking about him. I stood up and hoped over the fence when I felt someone hold my hand.

Charlie seemed worried when Amelia was going to play, "Amelia, careful out there, okay?"
This kid is getting on my nerves, why's he messing with her?
"He better stop holding her hand."
Amelia started smiling, "I will,"
Her smile always gave me butterflies, even when she wasn't smiling at me.
"Go get them" He says then sits back down.
With a cocky tone I say,"Yeah, good luck, I guess."
Charlie kept his eyes on her the whole time.
It's my fault, if we didn't break up then this wouldn't happen. Amelia is obviously over our relationship, I am too, but I still get jealous over the littlest things.

What Charlie told me gave me butterflies that Benny failed to do. He was being so sassy for no reason. He infuriated me so much.
I kept glancing at the bench and Charlie was the only one staring at me. I didn't need his support, I needed Benny's, he was just looking at the floor.
I had the puck with me ready to score but was distracted that I got knocked down by one of the Iceland players. The whole team yelled at him, so I got up and ran for him, took the puck away from him and skated as fast as I could to the goalie. Once I got close enough I swung my hockey stick and scored.
"Yes!" I mumbled.
My team came and gave me a big hug. Charlie pushed everyone out the way to hug me. The whole team went, "Ouu," making me uncomfortable. We then separated, Benny stood behind Charlie with a pissed look. What's wrong with him?
"Good job," Benny said patting my back.
Out of breath I respond, "Thanks." I sent him a smile to cheer him up. He then blushed. I succeeded I guess.
Thankfully this was the last game before school starts, we said our goodbyes and I went home.
I ran to my room getting my baseball stuff. Yes, baseball. It was around 5pm, so I had enough time to go play at the sandlot. I went speed running, as I was close to the gate I heard the boys yells, I was smiling hard.
"COME ON, HIT IT!" I heard Squints as I opened the gate. When I came in sight they yelled, "Amelia!"
My smile couldn't fade at all, they came running at me then gave me a huge hug.
"We missed you so much." Ham says.
"You're famous now, that's so cool."-Smalls
"I miss you guys."-Me
Bertram then came in sight, I jumped on him wrapping my arms around his neck. He hugged back tightly. We then separated.
Chuckling Bertram says,"Wow, after months."
I smiled, "Yeah, you didn't expect me huh?"
"What are we waiting for? Let's play ball!" Yeah Yeah yelled running to his position. We all did the same, I wish I could quit everything in life and play here with my friends.
"BENNY?!" The boys said at the same time. Benny stood at the entrance.
They ran to him, forming a group hug. I stayed in my place.
"Now we can play ball." Smalls said. The boys looked so happy. I wish this happened more often. The rest of the day we spent playing baseball. It felt like last summer. Next week we'll be returning back to school, hopefully me and Benny will be in better conditions.
What do you think about Amelia and Charlie? Or Amelia and Benny's friendship?
Give me all your thoughts, I need to know so I can plan ahead.

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