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The next day...
The adults and Jaxon already left early in the morning. I rushed to get ready. My eyes looked swollen from the crying of last night, my eye bags and pale skin made me look horrible. I brushed my teeth, put my hair in a high ponytail letting my bangs fall out, and picked out an outfit. I threw on an oversized Beatles shirt and black shorts with black high top converse. I ran downstairs, there was an envelope at the dining table. I picked it up to see what it was. Inside was 200 bucks and a note.

"200 bucks should be enough; treat yourself. Be safe, Amelia.
Love, Andrea"

"Holy." I picked up the money and put it inside my dresser. I went to the front door, taking a deep breath. I trusted Bertram, I knew he would make Benny listen to him. All I knew was that it won't happen so fast. Hopefully, today is the last day that all this b.s will end.
"Benny, yesterday I talked with Amelia." Bertram and Kenny sat next to me in the dugout while we waited for the rest.
"What happened." I wanted to know what she thought but at the same time I didn't want to worry about girls right now, but I hated the state she was in. She looks horrible and unhealthy, no one is there for her.
"It was pretty dramatic." Bertram chuckled.
"No, it wasn't." Kenny chuckled along with Bertram.
"Well, she looked horrible dude. I didn't want to tell her what you said to not hurt her more." Bertram really cared for Amelia.
"Just tell me." I wanted him to hurry cause any minute now she'll be here.
"She didn't say much, just started crying. She thinks you don't care."-Bertram
"Care about what?"-Me
"About the fact that you kissed and stared ignoring her."-Kenny
"I do I- I don't know..."-Me
"Then she got more worse when I told her you wanted to focus more on baseball."-Bertram
"She really likes you, man. You just left her hanging."-Kenny
"It feels like I have to choose between her or baseball."-Me
They started laughing at me.
"Oh my god, you're so dramatic."-Bertram
"You don't have to choose. You can do both."-Kenny
"I'll see."-Me
"The ignoring has to end man."-Bertram
"The world doesn't revolve around baseball."-Kenny
"Give her a chance."-Bertram
"Tell her that I said-"
Bertram cut me off.
"It's better if you tell her yourself."
Kenny agreed with him.
"Tomorrow after the night game."-Me
"Your asking her out?!" The boys looked at each other. I didn't answer. They just laughed.
I didn't know I damaged Amelia this bad though.
"Hey..." I waved at the boys. It was only me, Kenny, Bertram, and Benny. They sat at the dugout waiting for the other boys. My stomach started twirling as I walked over to where Bertram sat with Benny.
"This is awkward..." Bertram whispered in my ear.
Me and Benny both elbowed him coincidentally. Kenny chuckled. I heard Bertram gasp. I jumped up.
"What is it?"-Me
"Amelia, it's your first night game tomorrow." He said excitedly.
"You scared me."
"Come on how aren't you excited?" Bertram elbowed me. Benny didn't show any emotion at all.
"What do you mean by night game?." I crossed my arms.
"You don't get it, we have a night game every 4th and we play while the fireworks go on."-Kenny
"Ok? You want me to be here or what?" I wasn't really in the best mood.
"Obviously!" Bertram and Kenny yelled at the same time.
"Fine! I'll be there."-Me
"The boys are coming." Benny stood up so the others can sit.
"Amelia! It's the 4th of July tomorrow. Are you coming to the-" Ham came running up to me.
"Yes, I'm coming to the night game." I nodded.
"Oh, great." He sounded relieved. So did the other boys that just came.
Me and Benny made eye contact. Bertram noticed.
"Ok, let's play." He stood up to break the awkwardness between me and Benny.
I followed him.
"Bertram?" I mumbled.
He turned around. I looked around to see if Benny was close so he won't hear our conversation.
"Did you talk with him?"-Me
"Yeah, I don't think he'll like it if I tell you." He looked at the ground.
"Is it good or bad?" I started to worry. He noticed how I reacted.
"Don't worry, it's good."-Bertram
I sighed.
"Thanks." I went over to pitch.
This time with the whole thing going on with Benny and me, it was hard to pitch when he was up to bat. I took a few deep breaths and threw the ball aiming at Hams glove.

beautiful boy . ⎯ benny r.Where stories live. Discover now