-Chapter 12-

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Kotoko's POV

I can't believe Nagisa just... said that... like, like it was n-nothing! I-I can't believe he thinks that would work! He's an idiot! Ugh!

Where's Masaru?! I hafta tell him... there's no way I can keep this secret... ah, but he might tell Monaca...

Nah, he doesn't have the balls.

I slowly walked away towards Masaru's room, creaking the door open slightly. There he was, sprawled out across his bed, snoring like some animal... I approached him, being careful not to make too much noise. I tapped him lightly on the shoulder, hoping he'd get up with no problems.

He started squirming a bit, but eventually, he got up and rubbed his eyes.

"Huh...? Hey, Kotoko...! What's up? It's like, really late... did something happen?!" He made strange motions with his hands, probably resembling a swordsman of some sort.

I grabbed his hands and told him to shut up because he might wake the others, and this was, y'know, a secret.

"You can't tell ANYONE I told you this, got it? It's top secret. No one can know... especially Monaca. If Monaca knew, we'd all be dead, and it would be YOUR fault. Understand?" He looked to the side, then the other side before finally nodding his head.

I took a deep breath in, making sure my whisper was actually a whisper and not a harsh yell.

"Nagisa and Jataro are trying to escape."

"WHAT?!" Masaru screams.

I quickly shush him and slap him across the face for his stupidity. He hastily lowered his voice back to a meek whisper.

"Ah-! Sorry, sorry...! What do you mean they're trying to escape?! Like, escape here?! But... they have all they could ever need here... Why are they trying to leave??" Masaru lowered his head.

"They're leaving so they can grow up... do... adult things." Masaru's jaw practically fell to the floor.

"They... they wanna become ADULTS?!" I quickly shushed him once more.

"That's... that's awful! Why would they want that?!" I shook my head.

"I'm not sure. That's why you can't tell Monaca. Do you know how pissed she'd be?! We'd all get punished for sure."

Masaru got up.

"Why?! Why would we get punished for their mistakes?!"

"Because that's how things work around here! Just don't tell her!"

"She needs to know! If Nagisa and Jataro escape, she'll catch on anyways and blame us! THEN, we'd get punished!"

"WELL THEN I GUESS THERE'S NO WAY OF AVOIDING IT, HUH?!" I quickly put my hands over my mouth, shushing myself.

Masaru stood, frozen. Tears ran down his cheeks...


He began hitting himself until his arm was bruised and bleeding. He clenched his teeth, trying not to let any screams out, but you could see the despair in his eyes...

It was awful...

"Masaru, don't! You're hurting yourself!" I whispered, grabbing his arm.

He just kept hitting himself over and over again until I restrained him completely.

"STOP MASARU! STOP!" I screamed, not caring who I woke up.

Luckily, no one came in the room. Masaru was crying waterfalls, finally giving up. Be stopped resisting me, and let his body fall weakly...


It took a while, but I was able to get Masaru settled down. He sat on his bed with a warm blanket and a glass of milk. I made sure he was okay before explaining my thoughts on the situation.

"Listen, Nagisa and Jataro may be right... even though we were forced to believe the idea that adults were horrible people... Nagisa and Jataro AREN'T horrible people. If they grew up to be adults, wouldn't they just be the same? We can't stay kids forever Masaru. It's the harsh reality of the world. So I'm sorry to say this, but..."

I took a deep breath in...

"I think I'm with them on this one."

||WOW CLIFFHANGER SNDNDNDN Sorry I haven't been updating, the book was on hiatus and I forgot to tell everyone! Sorry about that. The book is back now, however. Happy reading!
Chapter Art by: Virtuous-Bunny
Word Count: 679

"Why Don't you Hate Me?" Jataro x Nagisa (DANGANRONPA: ULTRA DESPAIR GIRLS)Where stories live. Discover now