-Chapter 2-

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Nagisa's POV:

As I was hugging Jataro and comforting him, I couldn't help but blush at how cute he was...

There was no way I was about to take advantage of him in this weak state. That's just wrong.

I slowly pulled away from him, wiping his tears with my thumb. "Hey, listen..."

He looks up at me with those pale lavender eyes that I could never keep my mind off of.

"Ignore Monaca... she's just... she just doesn't like sharing. She'll be jealous of anyone who gets near me..." Jataro immediately pushes away from me.

"I'm sorry then! I'll just go now, and you can go find Monaca! It's no big deal, really." Jataro forces a sad smile.

I firmly grab his wrists. He jumps a bit, but I manage to keep a hold of his small figure.

"No Jataro, I'm not like other people... I... I really want to be your friend...! I don't want to hate you! You're... You'rereallycoolandIwannahangoutwithyouafterluchbecauseIwanttogettoknowyousowecanbecloserokay?!" I rushed that last bit... I hope he can comprehend all that okay. He smiles slightly.

"Ah, I understand Nagisa...! You want to be my friend so you can see under my mask, yes?" I stiffen. "Hah... that's what I thought... I would show you, but my face will melt your eyes if you look for even a second too long. I'm sorry, but I don't want to risk that with you, Nagisa!"

I frown.

"No, that's not it Jataro! Please, I just wanna be your friend! You seem lonely most of the time and I just want you to feel appreciated! I'm begging you, believe me!" I got on my hands and knees, grabbing into Jataro's ankles.

He blushed madly as I did so, and to be honest, his reaction was worth it.

"I'm begging you Jataro...! Look, I'm on my hands and knees for you! So please... BE MY FRIEND, OKAY?!"

He looked down at me, shocked. Please say yes Jataro... you make me so curious...

Jataro's POV:

I felt like Nagisa and I were staring at each other forever.

No one's ever wanted to be my friend before... So... Why, Nagisa?

I smile, defeated.

"Alright. I'll be your friend, Nagisa!"

Nagisa stares at me, a smile appearing on his face. "Oh thank you, Jataro! I promise I'll make you happy, kay?"

I blushed once again, turning my head away. "Uh... okay...!"

Lunch was starting soon, and I was just aching for it to be finished... I would be able to see Nagisa, and...


I... don't know.

He's just gonna talk to me, yes? Nothing else? No kissing? No make out?

Hush Jataro, don't push things.

I sat down next to Kotoko, and she inched away from me a bit. Ah, at least someone still hates me around here... She looks back at me and smiles.

"Hey, Jataro? I have a totes serious question for you!" She looks at me, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Okaaaayyy... Ask awaaaayyyy..." I look down, fiddling with my mask. She smiles even wider.

"So like, you and Nagisa have been hanging out a ton, right? Are you guys, like... dating, or something? You have SO GOT to tell me!" She yelled, almost a little too loud.

I quickly covered her mouth without thinking. "Noooo! We aren't dating! He just doesn't hate me like you guys do..." I blush. "Soooo... he likes you then, right?"

Deep in thought, I turn back to her. "Uh... yes... yes, I think so." She smirks.

"How can you be so sure, huh~?" I look at him across the room, talking to Masaru. Blushing, I look back at Kotoko.

"Well, he always comforts me in his arms... and he seems to understand me... and he wanted to meet me after lunch today..." Without realising, I started biting my nails and giggling.

A pink tint coated my face, and I looked at my feet, ashamed. Kotoko bit her lip, attempting to contain her squeals.

She failed.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-! THAT'S SO TOTALLY ADORBES!" I look back at her, giggling a bit. She grabs my shoulders. "I'll tell everyone that lunch will end early today, and you need to go and get your man!"

I smiled at her, tilting my head. "Maybe he'll get me first..." she squeals again, standing up.

"Ahem... ATTENTION!" Yells Kotoko.

All 5 of us stare at her, along with the servant. "We're gonna end lunch early today! Big things are happening kids, BIG THINGS!" Kotoko winks at me.

I blush, shrinking in my seat. Nagisa looked at me, motioning for me to go with him.

I stared, but my legs started moving on their own.

"Hi, Nagisa."

Oh Great Atua... please don't let this flop...

||Aye, that was the end of chapter 2! Sorry if it took longer than promised, I was procrastinating. Hope you guys enjoyed! Chapter 3 will be released shortly.

Chapter art from: Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls

Word Count: 816


"Why Don't you Hate Me?" Jataro x Nagisa (DANGANRONPA: ULTRA DESPAIR GIRLS)Where stories live. Discover now