-Chapter 19-

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Nagisa's POV:

I walked down the halls while Monaca stupidly followed me.

Eventually we encountered a nurse and Monaca was forced back to her room. I slightly laughed the myself, watching her get told off and not to disrespect other patients.

The nurse wiped her forehead after dragging Monaca back to her room. She sighed quickly and turned to me, smiling.

"You're Nagisa right? I remember you! You tried to help me!" The nurse giggled.

I titled my head in confusion. Who was this girl and why was she talking to me like we knew each other?

"Uh... sorry, but... do I... know you?" I asked, still confused. The nurse placed her her on her mouth.

"You don't remember me?" I looked behind her and then into her hazel eyes. Did I remember this girl?

"No... I uh, don't usually engage with nurses or anything." She gasped and chuckled lightly, putting her hand on her hip and leaning on the wall.

"Silly Nagisa! I don't work here, I'm no nurse!" She opened her eyes to look at me once again. Before she said anything, I tried to look at her one last time, but still, I didn't recognize her one bit.

She reached her hand I to the bag she was carrying around and pulled out what looked like...

A gun? No, not a gun... a megaphone? But like, a gun... gun... megaphone...

Wait a minute...

"Wait... if I'm not mistaken you're... Komaru?! Komaru Naegi?!" A blush crept onto my face as I remembered.

I feel so stupid that I didn't realise before! I'm such a dunce! I scratched the back of my head, shyly.

"I'm sorry! I didn't recognize you... it's been a while... after you escaped and stuff." I mumbled. She giggled and put her megaphone gun away.

"No worries Nagisa! Nagito told me you were staying here! I heard about what happened and after what you did for me, I couldn't just leave you! I wanted to know what happened and if you were okay, so... are you okay?" She tilted her head to the side.

I smiled.

"Yes, I'm fine. No need to worry Miss Komaru. I've only just woken up, so..." I scratched my cheek with my index finger and smilies awkwardly.

"Also, my memory is a bit foggy... Who's Nagito? They left me a note in my room earlier, but... I don't remember who they are. I remember everyone else, but... not them!" I looked away, embarrassed.

Komaru chuckled and pulled out her phone. After a few seconds, she showed me a picture of the servant.

"Ah." I sighed softly realizing I never really knew the servants' name.

Nagito... instersting. I'll have to thank him later.

Komaru put her phone away. I looked behind her obce again, trying to think of a conversation topic without seeming rude.

"Hey, uh... where's your friend or whatever? Is she not with you?" Komaru lifted an eyebrow, confused.

"Uh... the girl with the braids! The purple haired one? She had D.I.D. I believe..." Komaru let out a long "Ohhhhhhh" before smiling.

"Ah yes, Toko! She's actually my girlfriend now!" Komaru blushed. I smiled and rested my face.

"Congratulations." Komaru winked at me.

"She's at home, probably tired. She didn't want to come with me, haha! She doesn't really care for, uh... people! Nothing personal, don't worry!" She giggled a bit, probably thinking of Toko.

She gasped, realising that I was literally walking around in crutches.

"One moment! Please stay here!" She dashed off, leaving me to stand there.

I won't lie, I got a bit nervous standing next to Monaca's room by myself. However, soon, Komaru came back, pushing a wheelchair.

She smiled and motioned for me to sit down. I sat down and handed her my crutches, which she just put against the wall.

She happily pushed me along the hallways and talked to me about normal things while humming a tune so things wouldn't get awkward.

"So... what exactly is happening outside? Also, have you heard from Jataro?" Komaru looked down at me after I asked.

She looked forward, frowning.

"Well fortunately, a lot of the chaos has died down, along with Monaca. Still, there's lots of damage and stuff. Everyone is pitching in to help fix things, though! So I have hope!"

I smiled.

"That's good." She giggled a bit.

"As for Jataro, he's fine. I don't know much since Nagito didn't give me many details, but I haven't heard anything bad, so I assume everything is fine! You'll be able to leave the hospital soon, so don't worry!" She laughed.

I finally just let a smile slip from my lips because I knew I needed to let it out. And... Before I knew it, I was crying... happy tears rolled down my cheeks as I laughed and hugged myself.

Komaru stopped pushing me and bent down to hug me. Once she realized I was happy crying, she started laughing as well. Caressing my soft hair, she comforted me almost like a big sister.

"Everything is okay Nagisa."


Word Count: 848

Chapter Art by: bun_nanami

"Why Don't you Hate Me?" Jataro x Nagisa (DANGANRONPA: ULTRA DESPAIR GIRLS)Where stories live. Discover now