-Chapter 11-

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Nagisa's POV:

Jataro and I have tried to make plans to run away for a bit of time now before he got really tired. Eventually, he feel asleep.... I decided to let him have his moment.

Kissing him on the forehead, I left the room without a sound to go grab a glass of water. My head was hurting like crazy, and I didn't want it to distract me from what needed to be done.

As I walked into the main hall, the first thing I saw was Kotoko, biting her nail anxiously. This shocked me a bit, and I definitely didn't want to be caught. I gasped quietly, hiding behind a wall, but peeking out just enough so that I could see her.

She turned around quickly, I know she heard me, but I think she shrugged it off. She continued to bite her nail, muttering things to herself.

Before I knew it, my curious self was quietly tiptoeing up to her, wanting to hear what she was saying.

"Stupid... stupid Nagisa and Jataro...!"

This, for obvious reasons, spiked my curiosity. What was she talking about? She had better not be talking crap about Jataro... I can take the negativity... but he has quite the interesting reaction to hate or backlash.

"I-I can't believe they lied...! Why? Why?! What's Monaca gonna say when she finds out?! We're all gonna be dead...! Those... those traitors! They can't be adults!"

I was shocked.

She had overheard us... She knew what we were planning... out of pure instinct, I jumped out from around the corner, immeditaly scaring Kotoko.

"AH-! NAGISA! WHAT'RE YOU DOING UP SO LATE?!" She yelled, surprised.

I sighed.

"I heard you mumbling Kotoko. I know you overheard Jataro and I earlier."

She looks away, wide-eyed.

"I-I-I don't know what you're t-talking about... i-idiot! Go away!" She covered her face.

"C'mon Kotoko. I'm not stupid. I JUST heard you. I'm not mad." I sighed again, looking down.

She slowly turned around, looking guilty.

"W-What you're doing is totally not okay! It's totally going against our code! You had better convince Jataro that this plan is idiotic and it'll never work! Don't make me tell Monaca what you're up to! I'll... I'll do it!"

I grab her hands, making her shut up.

"Listen Kotoko! Monaca lied to all of us... you've seen how rude she really is! She brought up things that we don't like to talk about, she's manipulated us with past trauma... it's not right! We can all get out of here together! Just listen to me!"

"NO, NO, NO, NO! NONONONONONONONONONO! THERE'S NO WAY WE COULD GET OUT OF HERE!" Kotoko squirms around, trying to break free.

She lets out a heavy sign once she realises she can't do it. "I... fine! I won't tell anyone what you two are up to... but... I'm not cooperating with your stupid plan! Even if you did escape, Monaca would just find you again, you'd be in so much trouble!"

I look to the side, ashamed of myself for pulling Jataro into this. Still, if we really put our minds to it, I'm sure we could all get out of here and save the world!

I just have to convince Kotoko and Masaru...

||uwu Sorry for the delayyyy I'm lazy and stuff

Chapter Art by: RosalynnBelle
Word Count: 562

"Why Don't you Hate Me?" Jataro x Nagisa (DANGANRONPA: ULTRA DESPAIR GIRLS)Where stories live. Discover now