-Chapter 15-

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(This one's a little long ;))

Nagisa's POV:

As soon as I saw her standing there... I knew we were in for a fight.

If not that, a serious trail of marks would be left on us. There was no way Monaca was gonna let us out of this.

But... it doesn't matter. I don't care what the hell she does to me. It's just Jataro I'm worried about, so... I'm gonna make sure he doesn't get hurt at all!

"Monaca! Back off!" I tried to rush at her but she dodged me.

Once I turned around, I saw the most disgusting thing I've ever witnessed...

Once I turned around, I saw the most disgusting thing I've ever witnessed

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Monaca's eyes... Staring down at me...

"Y-YOU DON'T SCARE ME! YOU DON'T... SCARE... me..." the truth was, I was terrified. I had no idea what I was going to do next... make a run for it? No... I couldn't do that... However, I could definitely make something up as I go...

I'm really good at that.

"Monaca is upset, Nagisa. Why would you leave Monaca?" Monaca stared down at me with that frown on her face. Is she underestimating me? Is she making fun of me? Mocking me perhaps?! Whatever the hell's going on, I'll make sure Jataro isn't hurt.

"There's something wrong with you..." I whispered as I stood up weakly.

She tightened her grip around Jataro's neck and squeezed harshly. Jataro let out a grunt. When I looked at him...

His eyes screamed 'Help me Nagisa.'

I'm trying Jataro... I'm trying...

Suddenly, I had a plan.

I looked at where Jataro was. I have to act fast... he's running out of air. I can't let him die... I spotted the door and locked eyes with the Servant...

He motioned down the hall and gave me this look, like I should trust him... I think he knows something... I looked back at Jataro.

It was time.

"No matter what happens..."

I stood up and ran towards Monaca at full force.

"I LOVE YOU JATARO! NEVER FORGET ME!" I screamed as I pinned Monaca to the ground and Jataro broke free.

Monaca and I started punching and kicking each other. I ripped her nail off, she bruised my cheek. It was an intense moment. I glanced at Jataro one last time.

He was still and silent. Just... Staring at me. I could tell he was really scared. I did the only thing in my power to make him feel better.


Jataro's POV:

"H...Huh...?" I was frozen in fear...

Nagisa... No...! No, no, nooo! There's no way I'm leaving him here alone! He's the only person I've ever really cared about... ever! I can't-

"GO JATARO! DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME, PLEASE GO-!" Monaca kept tugging his hair and she almost knocked him out cold...

But Nagisa was strong.

He's fighting for me... Don't worry Nagisa, I'll carry us. I turned around and rushed out of the room, screaming at the top of my lungs "I LOVE YOU NAGISA, I LOVE YOU NAGISA, I LOVE YOU NAGISA..."

The last thing I hears from him was...


I bolted into Masaru's room and shook him awake.

"MASARU! MASARU! WAKE UP, PLEASE! WE HAFTA GO!" Masaru shifted and bolted out of his bed.

"What's going on?! Jataro, what're you doing, go back to sleep!" I think once he saw the tears in my eyes, he understood something was really wrong.

"Hey... Hey what's going on?" He sounded genuinely concerned.

"It's Nagisa! He's fighting Monaca in the other room! He's doing this so we can get out of here! We have to go Masaru!" Masaru got up and grabbed my hand immediatly after I said that.

He pulled me down to Kotoko's room and we banged on the door until she opened it.

"What the hell! I'm trying to sleep you idiots! What's going on, this better be good!" Masaru grabbed her wrist and looked her in the eyes.

"Nagisa and Monaca are fighting! Jataro just came to my room and told me... Remember your stupid plan to get the hell out of here?! Yeah, that would be a good fucking idea right now!" Kotoko was shocked and she was silent for a moment before she relaxed her muscles and stopped resisting against Masaru.

"Well let's go then! Come on!" She screamed.

We began running towards the door... it was huge, and much bigger than any of us kids. Masaru pushed it, but he was unable to open the door. That's when Kotoko spoke up.

"There are thousands of locks on this door... there's no way we can get out of here this way!" She looked at Masaru.

"But... there's no other way to get out... no windows, no doors, no nothing..." we all looked at the ground.

"No way out..." I whispered.  Suddenly, we heard a light chuckle from behind us.

The servant.

"Come with me... I know a way."

||What an emotional roller coaster that was, huh?
Word Count: 843

Chapter Art by: astrocat-sama

"Why Don't you Hate Me?" Jataro x Nagisa (DANGANRONPA: ULTRA DESPAIR GIRLS)Where stories live. Discover now