-Chapter 1-

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Jataro's POV:

This is baaaaad! For seriously baaaaaaad! Monaca's gonna be so maaaad! Ehhh, this is all my fault! Jataro you idiot. Look what you've done…

You spilled juice on Monaca's favorite picture with Big Sis Junko…

Of course… I can't even be trusted for one second without someone to watch for my stupidity…! I-I'm so mad at myself! Monaca's gonna be so upset…

It's all my fault…

She's gonna…

She's… she's gonna…

She's gonna hate me~~!

Haah~! I love being hated… the feeling that no one cares about you is just… amazing… and reassuring… but… it's Monaca… so… it might be a bit different. I'll be honest, Monaca's really scary when she's mad… she gets so mad that… well… she throws a fit. And everyone feels bad for her. Gah, I wish I wasn't such a clutz! 

"Well good going Jataro, you ruined Monaca's picture!" yelled Masaru, putting his hands on his hips in a pouty manor.

"Yeah, what's Monaca gonna say to you?!" Kotoko nervously bites her nail, looking at us. We were all silent.

I… I don't even wanna think about it… I do love being hated… but I wish there was at least one person to care for me in this world… that would be…


My thoughts are interrupted by Monaca opening the door to her room. To make the situation worse, she had just come back with things to decorate to picture with… only to see it on the table, soaked and sticky… her smile slowly faded and you could see the anger welling up her eyes, as if she was… overcome with pure rage.

I'm so dead…

"Which one of you…" whispered Monaca under her breath.

"W-What was that, Monaca…?" Kotoko backs away behind Nagisa for cover.

"I said… WHICH ONE OF YOU LITTLE IMBECILES RUINED MY PICTURE WITH BIG SIS JUNKO?! I'M! SO! ANGRYYYY!" screamed Monaca, while kicking in a way that seemed inhumane.

Everyone backed away, immediately looking at me. Monaca soon caught on to everyone's facial expressions and looked at me as well…

Oh no…

Here it comes…

"Was it you, Jataro? Come on, tell Monaca! Monaca wants to know!" Monaca looked concerned, but there was a dark aura around her face. I gulped, looking back at the rest of the warriors. My face was practically begging for help.

I was sweating… and… so was everyone else… we were all nervous… but… why? They have nothing to be afraid of… it was me… just…


"No, Monaca."


Everyone's eyes bolted to Nagisa.

"It wasn't Jataro… it… it was me. So… so you can leave him alone, okay…?!"

I was frozen.

Everyone was shocked. My mouth was agape, and Monaca did something I thought I would never see…

She stood up…

Everyone was even more shocked at this… she was just pretending? All this… time…? Really…? That's so… that's so mean!


"Why Don't you Hate Me?" Jataro x Nagisa (DANGANRONPA: ULTRA DESPAIR GIRLS)Where stories live. Discover now