-Chapter 20-

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Jataro's POV:

Stress. Stress. Stress. That's all I felt. I saw that Nagisa had read my messages but he never said anything back... perhaps be was too weak to do big things like... well... respond to a text message.

My back leaned onto Kotoko's shoulder as we waited at the hotel lobby for Nagito to finish using the bathroom.

After everything happened, it was hard for us to go out in public often because a lot of people knew we were part of Monaca's plan... well... we WERE part of Monaca's plan.

But that's old news.

Not a lot of people are aware of that yet. So... we try our best to stay hidden from public.

On the way to the hospital, Kotoko's hood fell down, and her face was pretty much out in the open... for everyone to see.

Nagito quickly bent down and pulled her hood back up, pushing her behind his back in case anyone saw.

A woman ran up to us and tried to attack her, scaring all of us. Masaru accidentally pushed me backwards onto the sidewalk, so I scraped my knee.

He quickly apologized and helped me up. My leg was bleeding pretty bad and we had to get it patched up later.

But anyways, waiting there started to get boring and I was starting to fall asleep. However, Masaru's screaming and running around kept me awake.

Soon enough, we heard the sound of wheels coming down the hallway. It reminded me of Monaca but I looked anyway.

And there was Nagisa... in a wheelchair. I gasped and got up, startling Kotoko, who was sleeping peacefully. I ran to Nagisa and he opened his arms.

I just kinda... fell onto him. We hugged for a solid minute just sharing phrases like:

"I missed you so much."
"Are you alright?"
"How have you been?"
"I love you."
And so on...

Nagisa softly kissed my forehead, looking down at my scarred knee from earlier. His eyes widened and he moved forward in the chair to look at my knee closer.

"Ah- Nagisa? What're you doing?" He looked back up at me.

"What happened to your knee?! Are you okay?! Oh my God, this is what happens when I'm not here next to you, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry-"

"Hahaha! Silly Nagisa, Masaru bumped into me and I fell onto the sidewalk. I'm okay, though! Nothing a little ice won't fix!" I smiled softly, but when I opened my eyes, Nagisa looked furious.

He glared at Masaru and pushed himself out of the wheelchair. Nagisa began limping over to Masaru quickly. He grabbed him by his collar and his face started distorting with anger. It was really scary...

"Masaru! What the hell?! Watch where you're going, you coulda killed Jataro! There's no way I'm letting you close to him again! You're do clumsy, you're gonna end up seriously hurting him!" yelled Nagisa.

Masaru frowned, confused. "Calm down Nagisa, it was an accident, uh, an honest mistake! I-I didn't mean to hurt him! I apologized earlier, r-right Jataro?" They both looked towards me.

I immeditaly started nodding and giggling "I-Its okay Nagisa! Dom t blame Masaru for anything! He didn't mean it! I'm okay, really!" Nagisa released Masaru from his grip.

Masaru scrambled to his feet and stood there, looking guilty with his hands behind his back.

"Ah, Nagisa! Sit down, you're going to hurt yourself!" I grabbed Nagisa's arm and softly guided him back got the wheelchair. As soon as he was situated, I tried to move back, but he grabbed my hand and held it.

"Just... stay there." I smiled and held his hand back.

Nagito cane back and picked up Kotoko, who somehow slept through everything. Masaru followed him as he walked over to us. He pet Nagisa's head and smiled.

All of us were almost like a... family.

That's cool, I guess.

Nagisa is my everything...

I never realised that until the day that building collapsed...

I'm... I'm so proud of myself.

I've come so far and everyone has been so nice.

Masaru, Kotoko, Nagisa...

Especially Nagito... He took us in when no one else would, and he's having his own time working some things out with this brown haired boy that keeps showing up at our house.

They'd make a cute couple.

Eventually Nagisa was able to come with us back to the small house Nagisa had rented and... well, everything was perfect.

I couldn't ask for more...

Really, Nagisa never answered my question...

"Nagisa, why don't you hate me?"

He smiled at me...

"Because I love you."


||This story was super fun to write! I'll be writing a short epilogue with them as adults soon, but if you guys maybe want a sequel... hmu
Word Count: 799

Chapter Art by: Haru-artemis

"Why Don't you Hate Me?" Jataro x Nagisa (DANGANRONPA: ULTRA DESPAIR GIRLS)Where stories live. Discover now