Chapter 28

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Dream POV

After another 10 minutes of waiting, everybody had their drinks and pastries. As we all sit down at the table, I can't help but smile once more. I still can't seem to wrap my head around it. George got all of our best friends here.

I'm quickly snapped out of my trance as George sits down next to me. Everybody is happy amongst themselves having conversations filled with laughter.

Wilbur had a rose and was messing with Niki. Wilbur definitely wasn't a magician but he had a few tricks up his sleeve. No, literally. He just pulled the flower out of his sleeve, but from Nikis angle, it looked like it came out of thin air.

Fundy, Eret, and Sapnap were sitting at the far end laughing their asses off over god knows what. Fundy had even spit out some of his drink at one point.

Then of course there was the inseparable duo of Tommy and Tubbo. Tubbo had a glass cup in his hand filled with lemon tea. He had to set it down due to his giggle fit. Tommy was being the child he was and blowing bubbles in his orange juice.

"What a child.."

George nudged my shoulder and grinned. I let out a soft wheeze and smiled. We sat in a comfortable silence as we gazed out upon the sea of streamers.

Shortly after, everybody had finished their pastries and drinks. I still had half of my coffee, but I was fine with carrying it as we walked along the peer.

Suddenly there was a loud gasp from the back of the group. We all stopped and looked back to see the two teenagers with sparkles in their eyes.


They both screamed in sync as they looked at the brightly colored building.

I felt a heavy weight on my shoulder and a hot breathe on my ear.

"Come on Dream lets go! It'll be fun!"

Sapnap pushes himself off me and started walking towards the arcade. The others following shortly after.

By the time we entered the building, the two boys had run off, including Sapnap.

"Their your kids Wilbur, go find em."

Fundy had teased Will, earning a fist bump from Eret. Wilbur pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

"Let's go find them Niki."

She smiles and followed shortly behind the taller Brit. Fundy and Eret had found a two player game and had decided to compete. They each bet 10 diamonds on the SMP.

It was just George and I left. We looked at each other and laughed. He quickly kissed my cheek, shortly grabbing my wrist after. There was a light dusting of pink across my face.

"Let's go find Sapnap, once we know where he is, we can go mess around."

I nodded as he pulled me through the halls of flashing lights. The ground was a dark blue. It was shocking clean with no visible stains.

After a good 2 minutes of walking around, we found Sapnap playing some shooter game. He was definitely getting into it so we decided to leave him.

We walked past Tommy, Tubbo, and Wilbur. They were racing each other on a car game. Tommy was far ahead, but Will was close behind.

Wilbur noticed me out of the corner of his eye and winked at me. I knew exactly what I had to do. I snuck up behind Tommy's seat and leaned against it for a bit. He was to focused to even notice me.

Tubbo on the other hand did. He looked up at me and giggled. Wilbur and Tubbo are both glancing at me at the side to see what I'll do. I lift my hand and bring it close to the top of Tommys head.

Wilbur looks up at nods. That's the only confirmation I needed. I bring my hand back and slap the right side of Tommys head. He looks back with the most pissed off face. I cant help but wheeze as I stumble back.

He jumps out of his seat at light speed and I know that's my queue to leave. I quickly regain my balance and sprint into whatever direction my body takes me.

The blonde brit seems to have forgotten about his game with the two other boys. I almost trip as Sapnap pushes me from the side. I quickly flip him off and continue running. Tommy is closer than ever.

I loop around and we're back at the racing games. George took Tommys spot and has put him in second place. Right before I can take another breathe, there's a warm feeling around my neck.

Next thing I know, I'm on the floor with Tommy wrapping his left arm around my neck. As I try to catch my breathe, Tommy is trying to scold me like my mother would.

"Dream! You son of a bitch, why would you do that-"

I can't take him seriously with his voice cracks and his accent.

Once I catch my breathe, I grab his wrist and swiftly push him to the floor. His arm is pushed against his back and his stomach is on the floor. I have him pinned. He's quite weak so it wasn't that hard to accomplish.

"Hey dick head! Cut it out! let me go!"

He tries to squirm but doesn't get far. He may be tall, but has no muscle on his bones. I wheeze at his distress.

"Tap out."

He looks up at me in shock. Tommy is extremely hard headed and gives up to almost nothing.


Before I know it, he's out of my grip. He pushed his foot against my leg and had managed to squeeze out.

I quickly stand up and face the blue eyed boy. He may be tall but he's no threat. He shakes his head and mounds my way. Right before he can get close, I step to the side and grab his arm, twisting it into a painful position.

"What the hell!"

He squirm but quickly stops after he realizes the trick I've used. The more he moves, the more it hurts. He flings his hand down and let's out a large sigh. He lifts his right arm and taps the wall twice.

"Tommy I'm not that dumb."


The final tap I needed to hear. I let go of Tommy's arm and laugh as he sits down with a pouting face. Tubbo looks like he's about to burst into tears as he shows Tommy his phone. Tommy sits up and starts to scold him the same way he tried to scold me.

"Delete that fuckin-!"

Those are the last words George and I hear as we trail off.

After a good 30 more minutes or so of running into friends, we all decide to play our last game. I had already finished mine so I decide to look for George.

He isn't far. He's playing a claw machine that has a few stuffed animals. I lean over his shoulder and into the glass case.

"Hey that kinda looks like Patches!"

My finger hits the cold glasses and leaves a small smudge. I take it off shortly after and attempt to warm the tip of my finger up. George just smirks and starts to position the claw over the brown animal.

"Hey Gogy, I know another word for cat that's a swear."

Tommy is practically hanging off of George's left shoulder.

Tubbo looked at him in disgust but laughed shortly after. George shifted his whole body to look over at him. Without even looking away from the blonde, he slammed the red button. The claw began to drop but he kept his gaze fixed on Tommy.

Tommy looked over to see the claw pick up the small stuffed cat. His eyes were filled with shock as the stuffed animal fell into the collection bin.

"Does the word correlate to you?"

Tommy has an angered look on his face as he balls his fists.

"You. Me. 1 v 1. Racing."

The others start to gather around, confused because they just showed up. George puts his hand out an Tommy firmly shakes it.

"You're on."

Just Friends, Right?  // DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now