Chapter 1

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George POV

It's Friday, 10:56 AM, the sun fades in as I slowly open the curtains. It's cloudy outside like usual. I was up all night editing SapNap and I's video. I throw on my GeorgeNotFound hoodie. "Who wears their own merch around the house?" I think to myself.

I walk down stairs to get breakfast. My phone buzzes on the others side of the counter and I get out a pan. I walk over to my phone as it slightly moves across the cold counter with each buzz. It's Nick (SapNap). I pick up the phone.

"Hey Nick. How are you?"

"Have you heard from Clay yet?" he immediately asks ignoring my question.

We haven't heard from Dream in over a week. His fans, including us, have been extremely worried about him. Nobody's been on the SMP since Dream disappeared.

"No I haven't.. I'm starting to get super worried Nick." I say in a quivering voice.

"God damnit. He better have a good explanation for this.."

I understand why SapNap is worried. They've been friends for 7 years. They've played Minecraft together since they were kids in 2013. I understand I haven't known Dream as long but I'm still equally as worried.

"You have every right to be worried Sap. We'll just keep texting and calling him and hope it turns out for the best.." I say sadly. I know he isn't going to pick up. He hasn't for the past week.

"Yeah.." Nick says with little hope, "I'll text you later today." He immediately hung up.

I sit down without an appetite. My leg begins to shake as I run my fingers through my hair. I feel stuck looking down at this counter. It feels like a trance that I can't get out of. Each groove catches my eye as I pray that Dream is ok.

2 days later..

It's 5 AM and I wake up to my bright and loud phone. I look to the side to see my phone buzzing. It's Dream..!


I'm sorry this chapter is so short but the rest will be 800-1000 words!
This first chapter has been really fun to write and I hope to improve as I move along. If you haven't read the intro, please do before commenting!
I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter and I'll should post a chapter everyday 💞

⚠️ I will not be writing anything sexual even if people request it ⚠️

Just Friends, Right?  // DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now