Chapter 3

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Dreams POV

I can't believe George bought a ticket to Florida. I didn't even ask him. I didn't think he cared that much. I know we're good friends and could talk about anything, but I didn't think he would want to come meet me so soon.

He gets here tomorrow and every time I think about it my heart races. I know I always say "I love you" as a joke and for the ship. But the more and more I said it, the more genuine it felt. There's no way I like him though! He's just a good friend. I'm not gay or anything. right?

The day of the flight

George's POV

I feel my phone buzz under my pillow. I wake up to turn it off and I slowly get out of bed trying not to wake Luna. I get changed and pick up Luna slowly. I grab my bags and a pear. I quickly rush out the door and drive to my parents. My moms just as tired as me as I drop Luna off.

"Thank you so much mom for understanding. I know Luna will have a great time here!" I say as I scratch behind Lunas ear.

"I'm glad to have her. How long will you be gone?"

"I don't know.. how ever long he needs me there, I will stay." I say in a low voice.

"I understand George. Please stay safe. I know you hate planes but it will be okay. Your so kind for doing this for your friend." She hugs me and I feel a small tear drop into my shoulder.

"Love you mom. I'll call you everyday. I promise. I really need to go." I say as I check my phone.

"I love you too. Stay safe please!"

I get in the car and pull out of the driveway. The airport is about 45 minutes away. I have plenty of time to get there and check in. The whole drive there my mind is racing. What if I'm to awkward? What if I'm to loud or annoying? What if I accidentally tell him how I feel?

I try to forget about it as I find a spot to park at the airport. I quickly walk to the luggage carrier and check my bag in. As I see my bag get taken away by the belt, the nice lady hands me my ticket.

"Have a good flight!"

I thank her and quickly walk away. I hope to get to the plane early. It's open seating and I want to be in the very front. I want to get off as fast as I can. I get to my terminal and there are about 15 people. I won't be the closest but I'll be close enough.

I wait for about 30 minutes, then my number gets called. As I stand in line waiting to get my ticket scanned, I look down and tap my foot. I'm still super nervous and I don't know why. I've known Dream for 4 years and we've never met before. I haven't really seen his face in full. I don't know why I'm so worried about it, it's just his face! You see new faces everyday.

The lady scans my ticket and I smile to her. I walk down the hall leading to the plane. I'm in the 5th row next to one other person. They're sitting in the isle. Just my luck. I'm fine being in squished places because I'm small but the window seat is always the worse. I can always close the window but the feeling of being that high still sits uneasy in my stomach.

I squeeze past the person and decide to put my headphones in. I hear the flight attendants telling us to put our seatbelts on. I feel the plane slowly speed up on the runway. I grip tightly to the arm rest.

Once we're in the sky I begin to calm down. I feel my leg shake and I start to work on my laptop. I had to pay extra for WiFi on the plane but it's ok. I'm writing to almost everybody on discord about what's happening. Talking to them always makes me feel so much better. My leg stops shaking and I slowly drift off into sleep.

Dreams POV

2 hours. 2 hours until one of my best friends gets here. He got on a plane for over 10 hours just to come see me. I get out of bed and look at myself in the mirror. Is he going to judge me? We've known each other for so long but he's never seen my face fully. It's fine. He's my best friend he won't care!

I still feel the need to do my hair. I know he won't care but I still want to look presentable. I throw on a light green hoodie with black jeans. I sit with Patches for a minute or two before I leave. She walks up and sits on my lap. I look down at her cute face and scratch her head. She purrs and starts to drift off into sleep on my lap.

"I love you Patches. You've made everything so much better."

I hear her purrs get louder. It's almost like she understands what I'm saying. I check the clock and notice the time. I slowly lay Patches on my bed and rush out the door.

The airport is about 10 minutes away. I get there and wait for about 30 minutes.

George's POV

I wake up the hear the flight attendants on the intercom telling us to prepare for landing. This is one of the scariest parts but it's ok. It's for Dream. I feel the wheels hit the runway as we speed down the road. We slow down and pull into the terminal. As they connect the platform to the plane, I finish gathering my things. I tap my nails against my leg still nervous.

I see people getting up and leaving the plane. I stay sitting. It feels like I can't get up. I snap out of it and remember why I'm here. I get up and nervously walk off the plane. I start looking for signs to point out where pick up is.

Dreams POV

I sit outside my car nervously waiting. I can't stop playing with my hair. Every now and then I get weird looks from people passing by. I even saw somebody in a Dream hoodie look at me for a few sounds. I don't think they found out though. Their are plenty of blonde and green eyed people in Florida. I look over at the glass door and see George. I slowly stand up but he still doesn't see me.

George's POV

It takes me about 20 minutes to get there. I see the door leading the the outdoors. I see tons of cars, smiling people, happy pets, and more. I slowly walk outside the door and look around hoping I can spot him out. After about 20 seconds I look straight ahead to see a man with medium length, blonde hair, freckles, and mesmerizing green eyes. It has to be Dream. I call out to the 6'2 figure


His face lights up as he runs towards me.


My heart can't take this it's to cute for me 🥺. I am very respectful of their real lives and choices. This is just for fun! I think they're great friends
I hope your enjoying so far 💞

Just Friends, Right?  // DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now