Chapter 24

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George POV

I wake up bright and early. After a week of planning it's all coming together. Dream and Sapnap are gonna love this. I look down to see Dream with one hand behind his head one on his chest. I brush the hair off his face and kiss his forehead.

I have quite a bit of packing to do. I plan on bringing plenty of snacks and warm clothes for when it gets darker. I know they'll plan on just wearing swim suits for two reasons.

One, they think we'll only be there and hour or two but we're gonna be there all day. Two, this isn't America. In London, weather can sometimes be nice but it never stays for long.

Once I finish packing, I glance over at the oven clock. 8:45 reads the clock. Almost perfect timing, I hear a door open from down the hall. It's Sapnap. He shuffles his way into the kitchen and yawns.

"Hi gogyyy.. how did you sleep?"

His words are slurred and slow. I can tell he didn't go to bed early like I asked. I shake my head and smile.

"I can tell you went to bed late. I slept good, thanks for asking."

He laughs and rubs his eyes more.

"So if you didn't go to bed early.. what did you do all night?"

"Check your phone."

He stretched one more time and walked past me into the living room. Theres a few notifications on my phone but one sticks out. An instagram notification. I rarely get those. It reads out the words "Sapnap started a Live!"

Brilliant. He stayed up all night singing stupid songs. It's fine. He can sleep in the car. He better not be all groggy with everybody else around.

Shortly after, another creek comes from down the hall way. Dream walks out into the living room with way more energy than Sap. He punches him in the arm.

"Come on Sap lighten up! Today's gonna be so much fun!"

Sapnap takes his hand and shoos Dream away as he stands.

"Okayokay. I'll go get changed.."

He starts to slump his way back to his room as I quickly call out to him.

"Get in some regular clothes! We're gonna go for a walk than get some breakfast before swimming!"

He lets out a groan of approval and shuts his door. Dream asks in a joking voice.

"Let's me guess.. he stayed up all night?"

I pull out my phone and show him the notification. He smiles and shakes his head.

"Yeah he's kind of an idiot. But he's our idiot."

He nudges my shoulder with his elbow and I chuckle. I also tell Dream to get regular clothes on and he trials off to our room.

I did it! There's no way they suspect a thing! Right? How could they? Maybe I was hyping it up to much.. Okay maybe they're expecting something but I don't think it was this!

The two Americans open their doors at almost identical timing and push each other playfully, walking down the hall. I grab my keys and shout down at them.

"Don't break each other's bones! I don't want to stop at the hospital on the way!"

They laugh and throw on their shoes. They're both in hoodies and I'm left in a t-shirt. I'm used to this type of weather but to them it's unbearable.

Dream gets in the passenger seat next to me and Sap gladly takes the back.

"Dude.. the back seats the best! It's like your own little room!"

Dream and I are still not convinced by his rambling.

"Shut up! The back seats the worst. I always get car sick back there. Plus with the front seat, you can move it up and down."

Dream and Sap go on for another 5 minutes about this topic. I scoff and look over at the both of them. I pick up the aux cord and toss it at Dream.

"Would you two please shut up about car seats? Just put some music on or something."

Sap tried to snatch the cord out of Dreams hand but is no match for Dreams reflexes. He starts to complain and try to make a deal with Dream.

They decided on everybody taking turns. Dream and Sap like the same type of music but it's not really my style. They always have something to say about my song choice.

This is going to be a long 2 hours..

Just Friends, Right?  // DreamNotFoundHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin