Chapter 5

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Dreams POV

it's been 3 hours since George feel asleep. It's 4 PM now. I check the hospital website and notice that visiting hours end at 6. I jump off the couch and put my shoes on. I think to tell George so he doesn't wake up wondering where I am.
I slowly open his door hoping it doesn't squeak. I peak my head in and see him slowly look up.

"George? I'm sorry if I woke you, but I'm going to the hospital. Visiting hours end in 2 hours and I want to see her again."

He sits up and says in a soft voice, "Do you want me to go with you-?"

I can tell he's still tired when he says that. Even though he's jet lagged he still wants to go. He really cares that much?

"I would really appreciate it. But if your still tired by all means please go back to bed! I don't want to interrupt."

He gets up and grabs a different shirt. "It's no big deal! I have all night to sleep. This is more important."

I thank him and try to get away in time when he changes his shirt. I see random shirtless people all the time. I know it sounds weird but it feels wrong to see George shirtless. We're just friends though. It's not like it would matter.

George's POV

I notice Dream rush away as I change my shirt. A part of me felt weird. We're friends. Why would he care? I'm sure he sees shirtless people all the time.. whatever. We're just friends.

I walk out of my room to see him leaning against the counter petting Patches. I walk up to him but he doesn't notice. He's whispering to Patches but I can't tell what he's saying. Before I get close enough to hear, he notices me in the background. He grabs his keys and opens the door for me.

Dreams POV

I lean against the counter as Patches jumps up. She rubs up against me and sits perfectly in center of me. I rest my head against my hand while petting her with the other and start to whisper to her.

"I don't like him Patches. Not like that. I don't know why I got so scared when he went to change his shirt. We're just friends, right?"

I look up to see George standing there and I quickly stand up to grab my keys hoping he heard nothing. I lock the door behind me and open the car door for him.

"I'll drive Dream. You just relax." George says in a caring voice.

I hand him the keys and thank him. The car ride is long and quite. We made conversation every now and then but we had nothing to talk about really. I just look out the window waiting to see the hospital.

After about 20 minutes we make it to the hospital my moms in. It's about 4:30 now. George and I get out of the car at the same time. We had to park decently far from the entrance. We take about a minute to get to the entrance.

I go talk to the person at the front desk and she politely asks us to wait here. George and I talk while he tries to make me laugh. It worked. The nurse called my name and took us to her room.

"I'll leave to alone with her for a while." She slowly shuts the door behind her.

George's POV

Dream sits in the chair next to her bed as I pull another one up next to him.

"Hey mom. It's me. I really miss you. I know you'll be ok though. Your so strong." Dream says in a quivering voice while he holds her hand.

All I can do is sit there looking at him from the side as he talks to her. I'm sure he's noticed by now but I don't care. I don't hear a word he's saying. All I can do is look into his glossy eyes. He glanced over at me with tears in his eyes and smiles.

"Mom, this is George. I talk about him a lot . You've talked to him once!"
He continues talking about me and all I can do is smile. I see his tears start to disappear the more he talks about me. Him and I start to laugh as we remember old moments. I feel my heart beat faster as he talks more and more. Knowing he talks about me makes me happy. But we're just friends. He doesn't like me like that.

I notice Dream starts to cry again as he looks at his mom more and more. I put my hand on his shoulder and look at him.

"It will be okay Dream. I promise. She will be okay." I say with a slight water in my eyes. I hate seeing my friend like this.

He hugs me tight and cries more. I feel his tears sink into my shirt but I don't mind it. I hug him back. I feel him put his hand on the back of my head as he cried more. I start to feel warm when he holds me like that. My face goes blank and I rest my head on his shoulder. He wipes the tears off his face and pulls away.

"Your shirt! I'm sorry I don't know what got into me."

Hearing him apologize for something like that made me feel weird.

"Don't be sorry Dream. It's perfectly ok. I know times are rough but we will get through this together." I say in a gentle voice.

I hear the door crack open and see the nurse pop her head in, "I'm so sorry but you boys need to go. Visiting hours end in 5 minutes." I nod my head and stand up. I put my hand out to help Dream up. He grabs it and stands.

"Love you mom." Dream whispers before we walk out.

As we walk down the plain white halls I feel a shiver down my spine. This hospital is extremely cold and I didn't bring any sweater. Dream looks over at me while I rub my arms. He takes off his hoodie and I watch him do so. His undershirt slightly lifts with it but I try to ignore it. He hands me his hoodie and I hesitantly take it from him.

"Won't you be cold?" I ask him genuinely concerned.

"George I live in Florida. It's gets down to 50 degrees. It's around 70 in here. I'll be ok."

I laugh and put it on. It's slightly to big and the sleeves are almost 4 inches to long. He laughs at me as we continue walking.

We get to the car and stop for dinner. We were both super hungry and ate until we couldn't anymore. We laughed the whole drive home. The only thing going through my mind is how glad that I am to be here with Dream. My jaw is starting to hurt after laughing and smiling so much.

We're about to pull into his driveway and Dreams asks me, "How much longer are you gonna be here George?"

"However long you need or want me here. I bought a one way ticket."

I watch Dream smile as he turns into the drive way. He parks the car but the doors are still locked.

Just Friends, Right?  // DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now