Chapter 7

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George's POV

It's 2 in the morning. I'm dead asleep. The plane ride and everything we did today made me so tired. But then a sudden rush of fear runs through me. I jump out of my bed to hear Dream loudly crying and screaming. I see Patches outside the door scratching at it worried about Dream.

I fling the door open without a second thought and see Dream on his knees gripping his shirt. His phone is next to him, he's on the phone with somebody. I quickly get on the floor in front of him as Patches rubs against him.

"Dream..! What's going on? Please tell me!"

He points to the phone with the nurse. I pick it up and she explained it all. She passed away. I tell her thank you for informing us and hang up. Dream is still balling his eyes out on the floor. I grab both of his hands and tell him to breathe. It doesn't help.

"Clay! Please just listen to me!"

He looks up at me in shock and slows down his breathing. I never call him Clay and I must've caught him off guard.

"I'm sorry but you need to calm down. Please. I hate seeing you like this. Now just talk to me." I say in the calmest voice I can.

"George shesgoneand I'll neverget to see heragain. She's reallygoneand you saideverything wouldbe okay but itsnot and I don't knowwhattodo anymore. George. I can't live without her." Dream says super quickly, still struggling to breathe.

I look down at my hands not knowing what to do. I do the first thing that comes to my mind. I grab his face with both my hands and look him dead in the eyes. I feel him gasp and breathe extremely slow.

What the hell am I doing? I just grabbed his face. At least his breathing has calmed down. There's so much I need to say but what do I say that's appropriate for this moment. I take a deep breathe in and start to speak.

"Dream. I understand what you're going through. When my grandmother passed away I felt the exact same way you did. Hopeless. I thought I wasn't going to make it. But I talked to the people around me and they made everything so much better. "

Dream looks down but my hands are still on his cheeks he says, "I love you George." in a low whisper as a tear drops onto the floor.

"W- what did you say Dream..?" I raise his head as my heart starts to pound.

"George." he says grabbing my hands resting them on his lap. "I think I'm in love with you George. I know I say I love you in videos as a joke but the more and more I said it, the more I noticed I really did. Then when you got here I told myself I didn't feel that way and we are just friends but I don't feel like that anymore."

I look him dead in the eyes as my mind starts racing. Did he really just say that? I'm dreaming right? This isn't real. I'm imagining things. After 4 years of knowing him it's all come down to this moment.

"Dream.. I love you too." I lightly laugh "I have for almost 6 months. I never said I love you back because I would scared it would sound to real." I just look into his eyes and hug him.

I can tell he's still upset about his mom. I hear him slowly start to cry again. I rub my hand around his back in circles hoping to calm him down. He puts his hand on the back of my head just like he did at the airport. I hear him sniffle into my shoulder and pull away. I wipe the tears off his cheek with my hand.

I hold his hand as his mind still races.
"Dream.. I have to leave at some point. I don't want to but I have so much at home. I can't leave that yet but I can't leave you. How are we going to make this work..?"

Dream looks at me and says something I would never expect him too.

Just Friends, Right?  // DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now