Chapter 27

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Dream POV

As my group of friends starts to walk along and chat, I lightly pull George so we're behind the group. He looks at me and suddenly softens his gaze.

"Dream, why are you crying?"

He lifts his sleeve up to my cheek and rubs the tear off my freckles face. I let out a mixture of a cough and a laugh.

"If is being honest, didn't even notice. Thank you so much for this George. This means a lot to me and Sapnap too.."

George gives me a smile and quickly pecks me on the cheek. He grabs my wrist and pulls me forward into the group.

I'm now walking next to the loud blonde who is about the same height as me.

"Hey Big D! We were talking about heading to that small cafe over there!"

He points his long, boney finger slightly to the left of us. The cafe is a light grey colour with hundreds of flowers and hanging flower pots in the window.

Tubbo's eyes light up as he looks at the cafe. He grabs Tommys wrist and practically sprints to the front of the shop. He squats down and takes a sharp inhale to smell the flowers. Tommy squats down next to him and laughs with the shorter boy.

The group laughs, shortly following them after. We're all standing outside of the building smelling the beautiful flowers and embracing each others presence.

Everybody is smiling and laughing. My mind is still racing on how George managed to put this whole thing together. As I look out at the group one more time, I see everybody doing they're own thing.

Tommy and Tubbo are playing with the bees. Niki and Wilbur are talking about a rose bush next to them. Eret and Fundy are laughing their asses off.

George and Sapnap are in the middle of it all claiming a large table outside. I can't help but smile and I walk past everyone.

"Hey guys, lets head inside and grab something. George and Sap got us a table out here so we can get some pastries and stuff!"

Everybody looks at one another and nod. As we walk into the cafe, a large waft of cake and coffee fills our noses. Tubbo lets out a quiet gasp and takes in the setting.

We all order a drink and some sort of pastry. As we wait for our food, we all stand against the wall of the small building, trying not to take up to much space.

Tubbo has dragged Tommy along to look at the hanging pots with brightly colored plants. I could tell Tommy was glad to be with his best friend.

As I stared at the small green plants, I felt a bump on my shoulder. I look over to see a smiling George.

"Why are you so smiley?"

He looks up at me with a shocked face.

"Why? Dream, why do you think! These people are my friends too and I'm so glad they could all make it."

I smile and ruffle the shorter boys hair. He scoffs and fixes his hair. I turn around and look out at the cafe filled with my friends.

"Ya know, I've always wanted to own a small cafe."

I look at him and tilt my head. George seems thick on the outside but is a real softy when you get to know him.

"Someday when I retire, I want to live in a two story cafe. Live in the top story, and have my own cafe on the lower half. I'd love to serve pastries and coffee to young kids like us. See people on first dates. That would be the life."

He smiles as he looks out at the small shop. I grab his hand and squeeze it lightly.

"Someday George.. you'll get that cafe and all your dreams will come true."

He looks my way and smiles. His eyes are soft and glossy. I can see my face in the reflection of his mesmerizing eyes.

"Actually, I want us to own a cafe. We can even use that stupid ship name and call it DreamNotFound Cafe!"

He looks up at me a chuckles. I laugh at his remark and squeeze his hand again. This is the boy I want to grow old with.


hey it's been a while. I'm not super proud of the way I worded this chapter but I really wanted to get something out for you guys. thanks for all the patience and I should hopefully be posting regularly :))

Just Friends, Right?  // DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now