Chapter 8

996 47 6

May 25, 2020

"I am not going to break down in front of our daughter" Those words still hunt me and still can't believe I said it in front of everyone. I don't know what I was thinking or maybe I was not thinking. I was upset he had the nerve to act like he didn't know Mia was his daughter. How could he question that I had a daughter with someone else.

It was a complete shock to see Yoongi that night. Hae had invited me to Min's house and I didn't even know Jin would be there. I knew Min had moved away but I had no idea she had moved with Jin. When I walked in and saw the other member's my stomach dropped to the floor. Even though I didn't see him at first I could feel he was there. I tried to act like normal but I noticed all the shock faces around me. I don't think the guys knew I was coming and I am pretty sure they were not expecting Mia to be my daughter. The whole situation felt weird I couldn't understand why Hae would lie to me and hide her real intentions. I think I was more upset at her than Yoongi himself and when we had our confrontation it was too much for me to handle all at once. That night I sat Hae and asked her for an explanation and she broke down in tears in front of me. 

"I am so sorry Ara" She said while tears flooded her face and ruined her makeup. 

"Just tell me the truth" I said sitting down in front of my friend to hold her hand. I was upset at her but at the same time she has been my best friend for years and anything she could have done was not going to change how I feel about her. 

"The day I took Mia" She started to talk and it felt like her words were chocking her. "to the label every one was curious about little Mia. Specially our friend Min. She started to ask a lot of questions and she kind of put two and two together and asked if she was yours. I didn't know what to say and I knew you would never hide Mia. So I told her" I tried to stay calm while my friend told me her reason but it was hard knowing what was coming. "As soon as I said Mia was your daughter Min said she knew Yoongi was the father. She just knew. I questioned her and she said Mia looked just like Yoongi and there was no denying it."  Her tears were flowing more now and it became difficult for her to continue talking. 

"Hae stop crying, I know what ever you did. You did it out of love" I said truthfully. 

"When she called me to invite me to her place I didn't know he was going to be there I swear" she said and I believed her. I mean I didn't have a reason not to. She had never lied to me and I don't think she did this to hurt me. I don't know why Min would do what she did but to be honest I don't care. Hae was right I am proud of being Mia's mother and I don't care who knows. I also don't care if they know who the father, thats not my secret to keep anymore.


It has been a few days since all this happened and I had a little time to process it all. To be honest I am starting to feel relief now that everyone knows. Well not everyone, I still have not told my parents and I don't know when I will. I know lying to them is not what I want to do but I need to face them in order to tell them the truth. I will go back to see them after this assignment and I have made up my mind that I will sit them down and tell them everything. 

This morning I have decided to take Mia on a walk to clear my head. Ever since we have been in Seoul I haven't had a chance to take her anywhere. She has been stuck inside with Hae and I and I know she needs to go outside and have some fresh air. There is a small park close to our apartment and I think it will be a great place to visit. The weather is still a bit cold and I decide to dress my sweet angel in black warm pants and black sweatshirt and a green coat. Even though I don't try to notice, she looks like a mini version of her father. I make us some lunch and pack my bag for a small picnic. 

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