Chapter 19

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"So it's really true" Bong says and I can feel the anger building up in his words. He stares at Yoongi and I don't know if he is choosing to ignore me or he just has not notice me. "How could you do this? You disrespected my family" he continues and with each word I watch the nerves in his forehead intensify. I try to speak to calm him down but I am stuck in my spot. I was not expecting my brother to show up here. When did he arrive to Seoul? How did he make it through security? My head fills with unanswered questions and it makes it hard to concentrate on what's going around me. I feel Mia shift in my arms and I know she wants her uncle since she seems to be moving forward with her hands open to him but Bong continues to stare behind me. I open my mouth to try to distract him and maybe he will notice that this is not the moment to be doing this. Specially not in front of my daughter. Before I can say anything Yoongi speaks.

"Bong can we talk about this outside, I don't think we should do this in front of them" Yoongi walks closer to me and for some reason I feel he is in protective mode and to be honest even though I know my brother would never hurt me I feel more secure knowing Yoongi is here. I don't just have his physical support I also have his emotional support. "Ara please go change Mia. Your brother and I will talk about this outside once he calms down" Yoongi touches my shoulder and I turn to him and his face looks calm which makes me feel relief. At least one of us can keep his cool.

"No we are having this conversation right here, I don't think you want to take this to the public. Or maybe it could be a good idea. Maybe the press needs to know that one of the nations most valuable persons got a girl pregnant. He got his best friends sister pregnant." Bong is screaming now and Mia starts crying and I know she is not use to seeing her uncle act this way. I hold Mia closer to try to calm her down but nothing works.

"Ara I told you to go" Yoongi grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him and i think this is his way of marking territory. He turns me completely around so I am giving my back to my brother. I am no longer physically in the middle of them. Now I am fully in Yoongi's space and his touch is possessive. "The baby should not be here, take her to our room now" he says and even though he is calm I can see he means every word. I slowly move my head up and down in agreement.

"Our room?" Bong repeats the words and his anger seems to be getting the best of him. "Seriously, is this real life?" He questions and I don't turn around afraid of what I might see. "Are you really not going to say anything Ara, don't you think you owe me and our parents some type of explanation?" This is the first time he has acknowledged me since he got here and I really want to speak but nothing is coming out. I look up at Yoongi and he is looking down at me and  his eyes tell me everything will be ok and to be strong. I turn around determined to speak directly to my brother.

"Bong please don't do this now, not in front of Mia. Don't be like this. Not in front of your niece" I say as calmly as possible and with each word I feel strength enter my body. I know he is my brother but I am a woman and I stand behind all my decisions. I did the best I could with the situation and no one is allow to judge me not even one of the men I love more than anything. My head fills with more things I want to say but we are interrupted by Ella and Namjoon who have come to see what's going on.

"Hyung everything ok?" Do I need to call security?" I hear Namjoon ask and I look his way to see him holding his phone in one hand.

"No need for that, this is a family issue we will handle right now" Yoongi says with determination and he gets closer to take a now quiet Mia from my arms. "Ella can you take Mia with you and change her. Please grab the other girls and you should all go to my room" he starts to order people around again and his blank expression is back and I know he means business. He hands Mia to Ella who nods her head in a yes. I turn to Bong and he is still at the door walking back and forth and I think he is trying to calm down. "Ella please also take Ara with you" Yoongi orders again.

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