Chapter 6

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December 28, 2017

My time in South Africa has been amazing and even though I haven't been here for long I am already in love with the country. I have been staying in the Kruger National Park and the hospitality has been astounding. My first day on assignment I met one of the vets on site named Rachelle and her husband Jake who is one of the many caretakers. They have been my guide around the park and even though the language is a big barrier we have been able to work around it. They have such passion for what they do and it has really inspired me when I take pictures of the animals they love so much.

Thankfully I have been able to keep in touch with my family as much as possible. The WIFI here is not great but I am able to at least talk to Yoongi once a week which is not ideal but that's the best we can do with his hectic schedule and my bad reception. He has been very supportive all this time but lately he has been very busy with work and our calls have been even less.

Today I had planned on spending some time with one of the elephant's families but I have not been feeling well since I got here. I think it's the change of water and food or maybe it's me not being used to this side of the world. I have been able to manage it well and it has not affected my deadlines but today I have not been able to keep anything down since this morning. I woke up feeling dizzy and nauseous and as soon as Ariel saw me she told me I should stay and lie down. Which I did since I know she would send me home if she saw me around the park. She keeps insisting that its not the food and I should get a check up as soon as possible but I don't have the time. I have been working non stop since I arrived and between the photoshoots and editing I don't go to bed until almost 3 am most nights. Taking pictures of animals in the wild has not been an easy thing and the publishing company is very specific on what they want and I have been doing my best to please them.

I have been lying here in my small bed for most of the morning and the dizziness has not eased off. I tried to have some crackers and water which Ariel suggested but I only kept them down a few minutes.

"Ara are you up?" I hear someone speak in English outside my door. My head is killing me but I manage to get up and open the door.

"I'm up" I reply back in English when I see Ariel standing outside my door.

"I got you some medicine to maybe help you with the nausea and I also got you a pregnancy test" She says and I cant process her words fully. I know she notices the shock in my face and she continues. "Ara I think you might be pregnant."

"No, no no" I say multiple times thinking I heard her wrong.

"I don't see any other explanations on why you have been feeling like this. Do the test to at least eliminate that possibility" She says holding out a white stick. I take a closer look at the thing in her hand and different things rush in my head. I cant be pregnant, I just cant. I mean Yoongi and I didn't protect ourselves any of the many times we were together but I always thought those things take time.

"Come on don't be scared I'm here with you" I watch still in shock as Ariel moves the stick closer to me and she gestures for me to take it.

"Okay" I say and I take the stick and head to the bathroom. I don't know how this things work but Ariel gives me instructions from outside the bathroom. She tells me to pee in one of the plastic cups. Once I have completed step one she tells me to wait at least 3 minutes and I sit at the toilet staring at the test. More thoughts rush in my head and I start to feel dizzy again. How will my family react if I am pregnant? How will I tell Yoongi? Will he want to be part of mine and the baby's life? What if he questions it's his baby? I did sleep with him the first night we saw each other after so many years. Well he doesn't know I had a crush on him and I always dreamed of being with him. But he probably thinks I just wanted to be with him because he is famous now. Which is the furthest thing from the truth.

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