Chapter 14

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My brother Bong kept his promise and as soon as Jin and Min left I sat back on the couch and told him everything. I knew he was upset but he was able to stay calm through the whole conversation. His first reaction was to come to Seoul and talk to Yoongi face to face but I think I was able to take that idea away from him. I explained that if he came here he might jeopardize the stable relationship Yoongi and I are trying build for Mia. In the other hand I could not convince him to let me tell our parents. He will speak to them tonight and there was no way I could change his mind. He kept repeating that I had been lying for so long that he could not trust me anymore. Deep down I understand his point but I wanted to be the one to break the news to my parents specially knowing what follows. I know they will reach out to Yoongi's parents and I don't know if they know about Mia and I. It will be a big shock for his family just like it will be for mine.

I text Yoongi as soon as the call with Bong is over to tell him we need to talk. I decide to get ready for the day while I wait for his reply. I have a meeting at the publishing company will hopefully get a new assignment. I pick a long sleeve blouse and dress combination that emphasizes my waist and a cross body bag that matches the color of the dress. I fix my hair in curls and I notice how long is has gotten the last couple of weeks. The curls go down my shoulder and I don't remember the last time it was this long. 

I hear my phone go off and I grab it quickly anticipating the reply. I see Yoongi's name on the screen and open the message to read "Is everything ok? I can talk now". I start to type a reply but he does not give me enough time to finish my message.  As soon as I start typing to let him know we can talk when he gets home, he calls me. 

"Are you ok?" He ask and his words are filled with concern.

"Yes I am fine, you didn't have to call we can talk tonight" I say not wanting to discuss the topic over the phone.

"I am not busy, we can talk now. what's going on?" he says as someone on the background calls his name. They have a deep voice and I think its one of the guys but I am not able to tell which one it is. "Give me a few minutes this is important" Yoongi replies back to the unknown voice and they tell him to take his time. "Ara please tell me" I take a deep breath knowing this will not be a good conversation.

"I spoke to my brother today and I had to tell him about us and everything that has happened recently. He is going to tell my parents and I am afraid they will speak to yours when they find out you are Mia's father" I speak quickly just like I am taking a bandaid off.

"Ok so what is the problem?" He ask and it takes me a second to react. This is not what I was expecting.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused about his words. "Your parents are not going to be happy about all this. I think you might need to tell them about Mia before they find out from someone else"

"I don't need to tell the anything" He say matter of fact and even though I can not see his face I know his expression.

"Yoongi I know how you want to act like you don't care about what people think, but your parents deserve to hear the truth from their son. Believe me you don't want to make the same mistake as me. I regret not being able to tell my parents" I say hoping he will learn from my mistakes.

"Ara, the reason why I don't need to tell them anything is because they already know about you and Mia" I feel my heart skip at his words surprised about what I am hearing. "I told them as soon as I found out, I forbid them from saying anything to your family. Honestly I am not surprised your parents didn't know anything about me. When I saw you and Mia for the first time I was expecting for your brother to come asking for an explanation and once I noticed time was going by and he never called. I figured they didn't know Mia was mine. My parent's have kept their distance waiting for us to work out the issues with your family but they are very excited to meet Mia." I take all his words in and I can't believe his family has known all this time. Does this mean he told them about it when he found out years ago? or just recently when he saw Mia for the first time. I try not to think about what all this could mean.

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