Chapter 20

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July 17, 2020

Today marks a whole month since I moved back in with Hae. This time has helped me heal from everything that has happened recently. At the beginning my parents and Bong were staying with us and this already small place felt very crowded. One good thing about all of us being crammed is not being able to avoid each other and the opportunity of sitting down and clearing the air. It was difficult for my parents to fully believe that Yoongi was the guy they had been hating all this years. I knew he still had a small place in their hearts due to seeing him grow up and mostly because of his friendship with Bong. But of course all that changes when you find out he is the one that got your little girl pregnant. It took my parents days to fully believe it. Even though Bong, Hae and I confirmed it multiple times, I don't think it sank in until Yoongi himself told them. He came a few days after I had moved in and to my parents and my surprise he brought his mom and dad. They all asked for forgiveness from my parents and I think my parents felt a little overwhelmed the whole time. I mean I understand them completely. It's not everyday you find out your granddaughter's father is the little kid you use to feed and let along that same kid grew up to be a famous idol. The visit from Yoongi's parents alleviated some of their concerns and after that day they were more open to see Yoongi who came almost everyday. Of course he had the excuse of coming to see his daughter but I am not 100 percent sure thats all he came to see. The company was very specific on wanting us to lay low but Yoongi didn't listen. He would either come before he headed to the label or after. It didn't matter how late or how early he would come and kiss his daughter before bed. I think this also helped my parents accept him. Seeing him with his daughter is all you would ever need to know she is the most important thing in this world.

Some time later it came out that the girl who was my assistant for a very short time was the one to talk about us to the media. I think her name was Cho or maybe it was something else. To be honest I don't want to remember her name or her face. Yoongi didn't want to talk about it and I never asked him what happened but I was curious. One night that all the boys came over to see their niece, I pulled Namjoon to the side and asked him. He told me the labeled had filed a law suit against her for breaking her NDA. I kind of felt bad but at the same time she did deserve it. She had no right to out us out the public. This is out private life and if Yoongi and I ever decide to publicize our relationship it will be our choice. Just like its Namjoon's and Ella's choice or Jin and Min's. The boys have the right to be private and share what they choose to share. I know I might sound a little pissed off but I really didn't want my little girl in the public eye. I am thankful the label was able to stop them before they released our names and pictures and the only info the media released is that Yoongi had an illegitimate child. This made Yoongi very upset and since that news came out he has been working with a layer to change Mia's name to my disagreement. He keeps saying he doesn't care if it comes out, he only cares about Mia and she having his name. But I feel different, I don't know if I want more people to know about her. Like I said I don't want her in the public eye and I want to protect her from this cruel world as much as possible. I tried to talk to him about it but I also told him I would not stop him from doing what he really wants since Mia is also his daughter and its not just my decision. He promised he wouldn't finalize anything until he could fully convince me.

With my parents back home now, I have been able to get into a normal schedule that has been working perfectly for Mia and I. I am in the middle of changing publishing companies and I have gone to a few interviews. I don't think I can continue working there after what happened with Cho. I am grateful I have some money saved up to take my time with picking the correct fit. Yoongi has tried to give me money a few times now and I keep turning him down. When I lived at the dorm he paid for everything and thats one of the main reason I was able to save all my money. Of course me denying his money has been a huge argument. He keeps insisting its his duty to provide for his daughter but every time he wants to give me money he exaggerates the amount and I honestly don't know what I would do with all that money. Mia and I have a simple life and we can live comfortably with my savings I don't need anything extra. But let me add that has not stopped her father from buying her everything under the sun. She has a wardrobe full of designed clothes and every toy you can think of. Her stuff has taken over my closet completely and I know he is doing it on purpose because of my denial of his money. He does not play fair!

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