Chapter 16

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"I still think we should stay at a hotel, you and Ara need more time together by yourself to adjusts" Tae says and I believe he is trying to convince Yoongi and the others they should not stay at their apartment.

"If it was up to me you would stay miles away from us" I hear Yoongi say and I know Mr.Sarcastic is about to enter the conversation. I roll my eyes and I find satisfaction when I see that he notices. "But my girl insisted you stay with us since it's also technically your house too" he fakes disappointment and the others laugh at his words.

"Jin and I won't stay there until the night before and the night of the concert, would that be okay I think we are running out of rooms" Namjoon says and I had not noticed he had his arm around Ella all this time.

"Why is that?" Yoongi questions confused at his words.

"Well we don't want to take Ara's room from her and  we refuse to let her sleep in one of the couches" Jin answers and he matches Namjoon by holding Min in his arms and it makes me smile. It's wonderful to see how comfortable they are around their girls which makes me recall that Yoongi called me his girl a minute ago and I didn't freak out.

"Ara has our room" Yoongi says proudly and to my amazement the others don't seem surprise about the news not even Hae.

"I..." I want to say so many things but that's the only word that comes out. How can Yoongi be so blunt about everything. How can I explain that we only sleep together because.... Ara why do we sleep together? You have no reason to give. You don't even know why every single night you end up in his arms even when you lie down far from him.

"Ara you ok over there?" Hae raises an eyebrow and I know she is thinking about questioning me about all this.

"She is fine" Yoongi says and since when did he start answering for me. What gives him the right?

"I am ok Hae, I just wanted to say that I don't want to be in anyone's way and Mia and I can go back home while you take care of your concert" I say looking at all the members and even though I don't mean to I know my comment pissed Yoongi off by the way he is looking at me.

"No Ara we don't want you to leave" Tae speaks again.

"You are now part of this family and we all want to get to know you and our niece" Jimin  who has been keeping Mia busy following her around the room speaks. I think he finishes Tae's thoughts since they fist pump agreeing with eachother.

"Yes welcome to our very dysfunctional family" Jhope says smiling and I smile back.

"Yahh! We are also very loving" JK interrupts to clarify how he views his family.

"I second that" Min says and I watch as Ella raises her hand.

"Me too" Ella speaks looking like the smart kid in class the teacher just called on.

"Then it is settled in a week you will have a full house, also I don't know about Jin but Ella is coming with me" Namjoon says and Ella turns to him surprised.

"Really?" She asks and I have only known her for a short time but this has to be the happiest I have ever seen her.

"Yes really how can I concentrate without my baby girl" Namjoon says and the rest of us are intruding in their special moment but unlike myself the others yell and laugh at Namjoon's comment.

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