XXII ✧ I've never wanted anything more than him

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                                              This was not a case of anger.

No, this was a case of disappointment and her entire being didn't know whether to feel infuriated or upset. And what made her even more miserable is that this is what Asmodeus went through when she had left him.


His name raced through their minds. It hadn't even been twenty-four hours since he left and it feels as though he had died. Like they would never see him again.


Emmett could only think of the first time he had laid eyes on him. It was when he and Alice had met them for the first time. The major was utterly serious, but the moment Emmett saw that smile, he fell in love.


Valentina didn't know, but there was a time where Luka saw him was in the woods. It was after the first day of school, he had been resting on a tree when he saw him with Alice. They were running by and the minute he heard that laugh, he fell in love.


Valentina replays the first day of school like a broken tape. Silently standing behind him as she inhales his sweet scent. His eyes were on her as he turned around almost in shock. Once she saw the intensity in his gaze, she fell in love. 


The love of their life who had slipped away. Emmett laid at night watching his two lovers sleep from emotional exhaustion. The night before he watched Jasper as Edward convinced their family to leave. He watched the pain and agony and guilt in Jasper's face and he wanted nothing to take his emotions away, take his supposed gift and throw it into the ends of the earth.

The misery was absolutely unbearable and Valentina didn't even know how miserable she was being until a soaking wet, sobbing Bella showed up at her door, "Bella?"

"Oh my god," The crying teen gasps, "you're here? You're actually here. I-I thought that when, that when they left, you left with them and-and, I just, fuck—"

"Bella breathe!" Valentina grabs the young girl's face in her hands, "I could never leave you, we could never leave you here," she smiles sadly before Bella pulls her into a tight hug.

"Pretty girl? Who's at the door?" Emmett asks as he walks out of the kitchen.

"Is that Emmett?" Bella asks in shock. She looks behind the nephilim's shoulder only to see her burly mate, "Is Jasper here too?" At hearing their other mate's name, everyone freezes. "What?" Bella sniffles, confused, "did-did I say something wrong?"

"No, Bella.." Valentina clears her throat, trying to get rid of the lump that was already growing, "um, Jasper, he..he left, with everyone else." Bella is silent, completely shocked that Jasper, out of everyone, would leave. Without thinking, she pulls Valentina into a hug once again.

"Screw them," Bella's voice comes out muffled because of her face being smushed into Valentina's chest.

"Come inside," Valentina ushers the girl inside, "what happened to you?" She asks, wrapping Bella in the towel Luka had gotten for her.

"Edward..he told me he never really loved me and then left me in the woods. I kinda slipped and passed out and when I tried to make my way out, I somehow managed to find your house. When I saw the cars out front, I had hope that you had stayed."

"Luka, put some hot chocolate on the stove for Bella, we're gonna go wash up," Valentina says as she leads Bella towards the bathroom. She turns on the hot water for Bella before going to grab some clothes and a towel.
She places the clothes on the counter and sits on the toilet. "How are you?" Val asks numbly.

"I feel like my whole world came crashing down," Bella tells her, her voice raw and raspy from crying in the rain.

"We're gonna make it through this, Bella, we all need to be here for each other," Val sighs raking her fingers through her hair as Bella undresses.

"How am I supposed to get through this, I've never wanted anything more than him and now he's gone." Bella wants to scream. She wants to scream and cry and punch a whole into every inch of the bathroom wall, but that's irrational. No amount of pain could make her do that. She just wants the pain to be gone. They all wanted the pain to be gone.

Once Bella was done showering, they all hopped in the car and headed towards her house. A crowd of people and police cruisers stood in front of the Swan residence. They could see Charlie running in their direction and the moment Bella stepped out of the car, she was embraced by her father.

"Bella where have you been?!" He almost cries.

"Edward, he..um broke up with me and kind of left me in the woods, I managed to find Val's house.." Bella tries to explain.

"He what?!" Charlie explodes and looks over at Emmett, "I'm gonna have a serious talk with your father and brother."

"That won't be necessary, sheriff, they left. Back to Alaska," Emmett informs him solemnly.

Charlie glances at Valentina and then at Luka and Emmett and takes notice of the missing twin. His eyes go back to Val who was huddled up between Luka and Emmett, eyes never rising from the ground. "I see," Charlie nods, "at least you're okay, Bells, that's all that matters. Thank you for taking care of my little girl."

"It's no problem, Charlie," Val finally looks up at Charlie with bloodshot eyes and gives him what is supposed to be a smile, but it comes out as a grimace, "we love Bella, she's family. We'll always be here for her."

"Thanks, Val," Bella sniffles with tears in her eyes before taking the girl in for a hug. "We'll get through this, just like you said," she whispers in her ear, knowing Luka and Emmett could hear as well. Bella also pulls them in for a hug before her father ushers her away. The crowd begins to disperse and the only people left standing are Val, Luka, and Emmett along with Jacob and Billy Black, as well as Sam Uley.

"Let's go," Val sighs hoarsely.

I'm absolutely in shock.
Thank you so much for keeping up with this book.
I appreciate you all so much.
I've been dealing with a lot these last few months, mainly dealing with my mental illnesses, as well as homelessness, but every time I see a vote or a comment, it makes me want to write a little more.
So thank you all so much.
For this chapter, I released a cover of Roslyn by Bon Iver featuring St. Vincent, I would love it if y'all gave it a listen.

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