I ✧ Mouthwatering Scents

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The sky is brighter than it's ever been in winter and though they could see everything, nothing could see them. They run through the barren fields of snow, completely undetectable to the human eyes, breaking through the forest line and quickly disappearing into the trees. The girl looks back with a smile before give she gives the boy a wink and jumps on a tree. The boy smirks and jumps high in the air, chasing after her and as she goes to jump to the ground, he catches her mid-jump, and they tumble on to a snow-filled clearing with a laugh.

The sound of heavy footsteps appears to their left and they turn their heads quickly, only to see family of grizzly bears is passing through the clearing, a mama bear and three cubs. The girl gets up slowly and mama bear turns her head to look at the sudden movement, watching as she calmly walks towards the bear and extends her arm. Once she reaches her, the mama bear sniffs her hand before letting out a soft humming nose and the girl takes that as an okay to run her fingers through the thick fur. She watches as the cubs tumble around her before carefully picking one up. The mama bear looks at her with caution, ready to pounce if anything were to happen to her baby.

The girl chuckles as the cub tries to bite her fingers and she rubs her little tummy before placing her in front of her mom. She takes a step back and waves at them to which Mama bear looks at her with an almost confused look before sitting on her hind legs and waving back at her.

The girl laughs loudly, "Luka! Did you see her?" she turns to her lover who was slowly walking towards her, "She waved back."

"I saw, bug," He smiles softly, wrapping his arms around her waist.

They look at the family of bears walking away when all of a sudden they catch a scent, "Luka, do you smell that?"

"Vampires," He says and takes a defensive stance.

"No, the other scent," She inhales deeply and Luka does the same, "they smell absolutely mouthwatering."

"Mates..." Luka whispers and the girl nods her head in agreement.

"Where are we again, Luka?" She asks, looking around as if trying to recognize any sign of where they might be.

"Denali, Alaska," He responds.

"The Denali coven!" She exclaims, "Do you remember when we were in Spain with my mother, and she introduced us to the Denali's?"

Luka nods and starts to smell the air, "Their scent leads north, we can follow it and see where it takes us."

The girl smiles, "Then let's get going."

They take off running north, following the vague smell of vampires and smoke. The smell becomes stronger as they come across a large log cabin. The front door opens as they walk up the driveway, the family of vampires already catching onto their scent.

"Es-tu sûr de ça?" Luka asks his mate, "Are you sure it's them?"

"Oui," She confirms, "it's them, I recognize their scents now. I doubt they'll recognize us, so if anything happens, stay calm," she tells Luka and he nods.

"Who are you?" The leader of the coven, Tanya, spoke out.

"My name is Valentina, and this is my mate, Luka. I apologize for our unannounced visit, but we were in the area and wanted to speak with you for a moment," She explains calmly.

Luka and Valentina lower their heads to show respect and Tanya, the leader of the coven, speaks, "You may come."

Valentina smiles and they follow them into their home, "Thank you so much, I—" She's barely done with her sentence before her, and Luka are grabbed.

"Who are you?" Tanya asks again as she holds Valentina.

"I'm Valentina, Lilith's daughter, and he is my mate, Luka," Valentina tells them again.

"Lilith?" Tanya mumbles the name before letting Valentina go, "I haven't heard that name in decades. Sisters, let him go," They release their hold on Luka and he's quick to stand by Valentina's side, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Didn't we meet in Spain? It should've been at the party hosted by Carmen and Eleazar," Kate asks and Valentina nods in confirmation.

"My apologies, but you can't ever be too sure, especially with the way our world works," Tanya apologizes, "You mentioned you wanted to speak to us?"

"Oh yes!" Valentina remembers, "I wanted to ask who were the vampires that just left the state."

Tanya motions for them to sit in their living room, "They're the Cullens, our relatives from Forks."

"The Cullens?" Valentina's eyebrows raise in surprise, "As in Carlisle Cullen?"

"The very one," Tanya nods. "His coven, they were staying with us for a bit, but they left before they could raise suspicion. They're quite the large family," she explains.

"Why are you asking for them, may I ask?" Kate chimes in.

"We caught the scents of two members," Luka informs them.

"You don't mean—" Tanya starts.

"I do," Valentina confirms.

"But you can't really believe—I mean three mates? That's never been heard of," Kate says in surprise.

"It's very uncommon with vampires, but not with succubi. My mother, she had several mates in all her years on Earth so it would make sense that I would also have more than one mate. We're lucky to have each other, but we will welcome anyone with open arms."

The sisters stay quiet for a few minutes, exchanging looks as if they were having a conversation in their minds.

"Alright," Irina speaks first, "was that all?"

They nod their heads, "Thank you for your help, we will be leaving now. And again, we apologize for the intrusion."

"It's alright, call us should you ever need help. Please visit again and send your mother our regards," Kate says with a smile.

Luka and Valentina get up and head to the door, "It was nice to see you all again, I wish you well."

Luka waves silently and they bid the couple goodbye. The sisters watch as they take off running and begin heading south.

Succubus ✧ E. Cullen + J. HaleWhere stories live. Discover now