XVII ✧ Prince of Hell

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"Darling!" Kol shouts and pulls Valentina in for a tight hug. "It was great seeing you."

"It was good to see you, too, Kol," Val smiles warmly and kisses his cheek.

"Alright, you can stop hogging her," She can hear Rebekah say as she pushes her brother away, embracing her favorite demon.

"I believe it's my turn," Elijah says. Val let's go of Rebekah and pulls the eldest brother into a hug.

"You take care, now," Elijah kisses her head.

Valentina pulls away from Elijah and looks at Niklaus with open arms, "Well?"

"You know I don't do affection," He replies.

"Oh shut up," She rolls her eyes and hugs him as well before she's suddenly pulled from behind.

"Don't leave!" Halia and Thalia fake cry as they hug Val tightly.

"I don't wanna leave!" Valentina fake cries.

Someone wraps their arms around her waist and begins to pull her away from the twins, "C'mon bug, we gotta go or we'll miss the flight," Luka says.

"No! I don't wanna go!" Valentina makes grabby hands at the twins, but they were being held back by Sunny and Triston, who's waving at them.

"I know baby, but we have too. We'll come visit again soon, okay?" Val drops her hands in defeat and let's Luka drag her to the car.

"Bye Triston, bye Sunny! Take care!" She waves at the boys and blow kisses at the twins. "I love you!" She yells out to them.

"We love you too," The twins yell back.

Everyone piles into the SUV and Valentina leans against Emmett. She crosses her arms with a pout, "I don't understand why we have to leave so early. This is very disappointing, I was hoping to stay longer."

"Edward thinks we've spent enough time away from Forks," Rosalie mutters with her arms crossed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know Edward ran the whole fucking circus," Val retorts with an eye roll. "If you were so worried about being away from Forks too long then you should've stayed or left by yourself and not force everyone to leave."

Luka takes a hold of his lover's hand while Val tries to take deep breathes in order to calm her anger because the last thing she needed right now was to be angry.

There was no winning with Edward in her mind. She was quite frustrated because she didn't know what else to do at this point, no one did. Every time she was around him, it got worse and it's not like anyone didn't notice. At the rate they were going, something terrible was going to happen. And it wouldn't be Edward winning the fight.

"Honey, I'm home!" Emmett bellows as soon as the arrive back to the Cullen residence, slamming the door open so hard it almost fell off it's hinges.

A smiling Carlisle walks over to the main room, "Welcome back, everyone. Esme's in the kitchen making dinner for those who eat."

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