XXVIII ✧ I promise I won't let you down

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Forks, Washington

                                       "Are you love birds ready to go or are you just gonna stand there looking at each other?" Valentina asks sarcastically with a cocked brow.

"Jessica just called," Bella sighs, coming from the kitchen, "She's sick and so is Angela. Eric's taking care of her so it looks like it's just gonna be us four and Mike."

"Ugh, seriously? Can we just tell him we're not going?" Val whines. He was way too annoying for anyone to handle.

"I'll see what I can do," Bella chuckles before making her way back to the kitchen.

"So, Jake, how's the plan coming along?" Val pulls him down and away from the house.

"Well, I'm thinking tonight I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend, but I don't know..." The native boy sighs, questioning himself.

"Jake, everything will be perfect and Bella will say yes, she likes you a lot. I would know, I'm her best friend after all," Val reassures him, finally wanting the pair to officially confess their feelings and begin dating.

Jacob is everything Bella has wanted in a guy. He's charming, takes care of her, basically worships the ground she walks on and he gives her the freedom to be herself.

"Hey!" Bella says from the porch, "I tried to make him stay but he insisted on coming, we can't shake him."

"Fuck," Val cusses.

"What? What's so bad about this Mike dude?" Jake asks in confusion.

"He's just constantly trying to get with Bella and he really doesn't know how to take a hint," Luka tells in slight annoyance, like couldn't the kid just understand Bella doesn't want him after god knows how many rejections.

"It's not like he has a chance anyway, he's gonna die trying," Bella chuckles, locking the door behind her, "Alright, Jake and I are gonna take my truck and we can follow behind. Mike said he'll meet us there."

"Okie dokie, we'll see you there then," Valentina agrees before she and Luka get into their Challenger. The demon revs the engine, startling both the teens outside. Her and Luka laugh before speeding off.

Valentina and Luka were the first to arrive at the movie theater and they purchase everyone's tickets. Mike is the second to arrive, looking very sickly in the process.

"Hey guys," The teen grimaces in an attempt to smile.

"Mike, you look like shit," Luka says flatly.

"Yeah man, you probably should've stayed home. It looks like you caught that bug that's been going around," Valentina crinkles her nose, the boy in front if her looking like he's gonna pass out.

"Hey," Bella greets everyone, Jacob's arm wrapped around her shoulder. Mike looks almost heartbroken as he sees Bella smile up at the tall native boy.

"I bought the tickets, let's head in," Val says and they all make their way through the entrance, handing the person their tickets. They make a quick stop at the concession stand to buy some drinks and sweets before heading into the room.

Just as they all suspected, the movie totally sucked. It was filled with a little too much gore that had Mike gagging in his seat. Bella, Jacob, Luka, and Valentina sat giggling throughout the entire movie as the bad acting was just too comedic. The group of teens watch as someone gets their head blown off and they laugh at the horrible cgi.

"I'm gonna throw up," Mike covers his mouth and runs out of the theater room. Everyone looks at each other before sighing and leaving the room as well. Yes the movie was bad, but it was definitely a little entertaining.

Succubus ✧ E. Cullen + J. HaleWhere stories live. Discover now