XXXV ✧ I wanted to kill him

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                 The moment the trio arrived to Lucifer's throne room, they could see Asmodeus pacing the floors raw. Asmodeus rushes to his mates with worry, "What the hell happened? When your father called me I was worried sick. Are you harmed? Is everything alright?" He asks.

"Let's worry about what happened later," Emmett says, "look at her eyes."

Asmodeus looks at Valentina only for him to see her black eyes, something that was usually a rare sight. He's surprised to see that she hasn't lost control, but he can see her breaking.

"Luka, take her to the room," Asmodeus sighs.

"C'mon love," Luka says softly, leading her away.

Similar to her anger, Valentina feeling extreme emotions wasn't a good thing. Anger activates the demon inside of her while sadness fuels the angel in her. Much like demons, angels are quite the forces of nature. The need to understand human emotions is overwhelming as they weren't built for that.

Valentina's angel side becomes confused and overwhelmed when she feels extreme emotions which then begin to cloud the way she sees anything. And this isn't a thing that Asmodeus or anyone else can fix. It is up to Valentina to pull herself out in complete isolation.

'The room' as Asmodeus called it, is a room that Lucifer had built for Valentina after what had happened with Valentin. It lies beneath the ninth circle's frozen waters. No one knows the things Valentina does to pull herself out from the darkness, but they knew it wasn't pretty. It was a constant battle between the raw energy inside of her and the levelheaded part of herself.

It's a long way from the fourth circle to ninth, but Luka and Valentina make it without her losing control. The pair reaches the shore of the frozen lake. With shaking hands, Valentina pulls in Luka for a hug.

"Go," She rasps.

Luka nods his head and walks back to the door they entered from. Once he reaches the door, he glances back to see Valentina halfway into the water. His jaw clenches and he takes a deep breath before leaving.

It was a few days later that Valentina emerged; bloodied, exhausted, and drenched in sweat.

"Princess," Emmett rushes to her side. He holds Valentina tenderly in his arms and looks up at him to give him a weak smile.

"Hey, big guy," She pants.

"Let's get you all cleaned up, yeah?" Luka says from across the room.

Emmett carefully carries Val into the bathroom and setting her down on the toilet as Luka fills the tub with water. He removes her clothes slowly, careful to not cause her any harm.

"You don't have to be so careful, Em," Valentina chuckles roughly, "I'm just a little sore s'all."

"Princess, ycould stub your toe and I'd be still be careful," Emmett says with a cheeky grin and chuckles hoarsely.

When the water is done filling up, Luka adds some bath salts to the water in order to make it more soothing for Valentina. Emmett grabs her in his arms once again and gently places her inside the bathtub, letting the warm water soothe her pain.

They take turns, Luka and Emmett, washing the blood and sweat off there mate's skin. Valentina already felt better by the time they were done, but the exhaustion was hitting her even harder now. She was two seconds away from falling asleep in the bathtub. The boys notice and chuckle softly, Emmett slowly pulling her out of the bathtub.

They dry Valentina with the softest towels they'd ever touched and make their way into the bedroom once again. Emmett places his mate onto the plush bed and tucks her with their silk cover.

Succubus ✧ E. Cullen + J. HaleWhere stories live. Discover now