XXIX ✧ My dad does not look like Thor

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                                "Hey, Jake, it's me again...I'm really getting worried so please just call me back," Bella ends the voicemail with a sigh and hangs up.

"Still no answer?" Val asks her solemnly, hugging her best friend. Bella just shakes her head.

How is possible to date someone when they can't even answer the phone? Its been two weeks since Jacob asked her to be his girlfriend and its been two weeks since they last spoke. It seems like their relationship had ended before it even got the chance to start.

"Hey, hey, hey, none of that overthinking shit. We're gonna watch a movie and then tomorrow we'll stop by Jake's house and see what's going on, okay?" Valentina picks up Bella and carries her to the bedroom then drops her on the bed.

"This a no moping household, Bells. So we, are gonna watch Thor: Ragnarok," Emmett smiles cheekily at his favorite human before turning on the tv and putting on his favorite movie.

They'd barely been watching the movie for ten minutes when Emmett leans over, "Hey, princess," Emmett whispers.

"Yes, Emmett?" Valentina sighs, looking over at him.

"Has anyone ever told you your dad looks like Thor?" He asks, munching on his popcorn.

Valentina's face scrunches in confusion, "My dad looks like Tho—? My dad does not look like Thor."

"Yeah, he does" Bella mumbles from her sleepy state.

"I refuse," Valentina replies in absolute denial.

"He kinda does, baby," Luka says with a full mouth of popcorn.

Valentina grabs her phone and snaps a picture of Thor and sends it to her mom. She quickly FaceTimes her in hopes that she'll answer, which she does.

"Yes, mia cara?" Her mother answers.

"Does dad look like him?" She asks her mother straight off the bat.

Lilith sighs and swipes to her messages and taking a good look at the man in the photo before her eyebrows furrow, "I guess you could say he does...who is this?"

"He's an actor who plays Thor in a movie we like," Val explains.

"Well, he really does look like him know that I think about it," Lilith holds her face closer to the phone, almost as if inspecting the picture.

"Honey, who's that?!" Lucifer asks nosily from the background, "Is that our dearest daughter?"

"Yes, come look at this," Her father's face comes into view and she almost chokes on air.

"Jesus Christ, you do look like him..." Valentina says in slight mortification. She could never look at Chris Hemsworth the same ever again.

"Hmmm, I don't see it," Lucifer shrugs, taking a bite of his apple.

"Dad, you could be his twin," Val deadpans.

"Yeah, no, still don't see. I've gotta go, love you!" He waves before rushing away.

"I'll speak to you soon, cara, and make sure to call your father. You know how he gets," Lilith kisses the camera and Val does the same, waving her mother goodbye.

It wasn't long until Bella and Val were both asleep, cuddled up against each other. Emmett and Luka make sure to tuck them in before slipping off into the living room.

"I'm worried about Bella," Emmett sighs, "I expected more from Jacob."

"You know it's hard for him right now, his whole world just changed," Luka kisses his mate softly. "You hungry?"

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