6 ✧ I've never heard of a creature like you

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While walking down the halls of Forks High, Valentina and Luka spot Alice and Rosalie making their way towards the cafeteria, "Alice! Rosalie!" Valentina calls out to them.

"Val, hi!" Alice beams, letting go of her girlfriend's hand to give the couple a hug.

"Hello," Rosalie greets them with a small smile.

"Luka and I are gonna skip the rest of the day and go to Seattle to pick up our stuff for prom, would you like to come?" Valentina looks at then hopefully.

"We would love to come!" Alice bounces excitedly.

"Great! Will you be riding with us or will you be taking your own car?"

"We'll ride with you," Rosalie says. "We have to tell the boys first so they don't get worried. You're welcome to come," Valentina nods and they make their way to the table.

"Hi, boys," Valentina smiles, basking in the scent of her mates.

"Hey," Emmett smiles and Jasper waves silently, a small smile playing on his face.

"Rosalie, Valentina, Luka, and I will be going to Seattle. We're going to pick up their prom dress and suit," Alice tells them.

"Okay, cool. We'll see you later?" Emmett asks, taking a bite of an apple he definitely couldn't taste.

"Yes," Rosalie replies.

"Alright, you guys have fun," Emmett says and Jasper silently waves goodbye at them with a small smile on his face.

We thank him and head outside to the parking lot. "Alright, we'll meet you at your house. Theme is casual chic," Valentina informs them cheekily before waving, "bye girls."

Luka and Valentina get in their car and make their way home, getting their at an ungodly time due to Luka speeding through the roads of Forks. The pair heads to bathroom to freshen themselves up a bit. Valentina shortens her hair into a pixie cut before putting on a simple black outfit, Luka doing the same.

"Cherie.." Luka bows as he opens the door. Valentin laughs and grabs her phone, keys, and wallet from the counter before stepping outside.

"Well, aren't you a gentleman," She pecks his lips,  "what car are we taking today?" She asks.

"Take a look for yourself," Luka smiles. Valentina turns around and squeals in delight because sitting on their driveway is a 1994 Lexus LS400. "My treat," Luka kisses her cheek, "c'mon we gotta go."

Valentina gets on the passenger side while Luka gets on the driver's side, "This is beautiful, my love. The girls are gonna love it," she beams and pulls him in for a quick kiss. Luka puts the car in drive and they begin their short drive to the Cullen house. When they arrive, Luka honks the horn.

Alice and Rosalie step out of their house with a woman, "That's a sweet ride you got there," Rosalie smiles smoothly.

"Thank you, you know I gotta whip out the nice one for the ladies" Luka jokes and opens the door for them.

The two vampires slide in the backseat before they head out, "Valentina, I just noticed, your hair is short?" Rosalie asks.

Valentina nods, "Yes. It's much easier to maintain and if I want longer hair I can easily grow it out or change the style."

"What do you mean grow it out?" Alice asks.

"My...species, we can shape-shift and change our appearance," Valentina explains vaguely.

"I've never heard of a creature like you," Alice says in wonder.

"I'll tell you in time what I am, I just hope you don't mind me keeping it a secret for a while longer," Valentina tells her and Alice nods in understanding.

Succubus ✧ E. Cullen + J. HaleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant