31 ✧ Pleasing a woman takes a lot, Jacob

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"Bells, he said to give him some time, just be a little patient," Luka sighs.

"Luka's right, just wait it out a little longer," Emmett says.

"I'm gonna go see him whether you guys like it or not," Bella says stubbornly, "he's supposed to be my boyfriend for fucks sake."

"I understand that, Bella, but you can't force someone to talk to you!" Valentina chases after the human.

"I'm going to see him," Bella huffs while getting in her truck, "you can stay here or come, either way, I'm going."

Valentina clenches her fist in order not to punch a hole in her best friend's beloved truck. She hops on the bed of the truck and pats the top.

The demon knew that Bella was only worried about Jake because of what had happened with Edward, her anxiety was completely valid, but now it was getting out of hand. With Jake still trying to get the hang of being a shapeshifter, Bella could get seriously hurt.

Bella parks outside of the Black residence and quickly gets out of her car with Valentina in toll. She knocks on the door and Billy Black opens up.

"Bella, Valentina."

"I need to see him," Bella looks down at the man and he cocks his head to the side.

"He's not in."

"Look, I'm sorry, Billy, but I have to see him," the human girl pushes pass the native man and rushing towards Jake's room.

"Bella, chill out!" Val runs after her, "I'm so sorry, Billy!" She apologizes.

Bella bursts into Jake's room, Val rushing in after her, and sees the boy sleeping on his bed. Yips were heard from outside and the two girls look out of Jake's window only to see Sam and the rest of the boys and Maggie. Valentina doesn't even have time to grab Bella before the human girl is storming out.

"What did you do?!" Bella yells out, "What did you do?!" she pushes Sam.

"Hey!" Jared shouts.

"Watch it!" Paul fumes, stepping towards Bella.

"Easy," Sam tells Paul and Jared, putting hand in front of them to stop them from sizing up Bella.

"Bella, can you calm your shit!" Valentina hisses, grabbing Bella's arm, "I'm sorry, Sam."

"He didn't want this!" She yells at Sam, yanking her arm away from Val's grip and completely ignoring everything going around her.

"What did we do? What did he do? What'd he tell you?" Paul licks his lips, getting pumped up by his anger. Maggie stays silent, but puts a hand on her imprint's shoulder to calm him down.

"Both of you calm down," Sam tells Bella and Paul, grabbing Paul's arm.

Bella ignores Sam, "Nothing! He tells me nothing because he's scared of you!" She says.

Maggie, Jared, Paul, and Embry laugh because to them it seemed outrages, Bella was completely unaware of what was going on and making assumptions, but could you blame her?

Bella looks at Paul angrily and slaps him, immediately regretting her actions as she watches the boy, and his imprint, pant in anger, "Do you have a fucking death wish?!" Valentina hisses, yanking Bella back.

"Too late now," Jared smirks as Paul and Maggie growl.

"Bella get back!" Sam orders, "Paul, Maggie, calm down now."

Succubus ✧ E. Cullen + J. HaleWhere stories live. Discover now