XXVI ✧ You never know until you try

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"You know," Valentina starts as she stands behind Bella, scaring the shit out of the human girl, "for someone who's been blowing us off, we're still pretty in sync."

Bella jumps at the sound of her best friend's voice and turns around with a sheepish look, "I'm sorry, I've hanging out with Jacob so much and I got caught up..."

"It's not that hard to pick up the phone, Bells. We were worried we did something wrong," Luka frowns and Bella nods, slightly ashamed of herself.

"I can't apologize enough, I'm really sorry guys."

"You're apology is accepted, we were just worried, but I'm glad everything is okay," Val hugs her.

"I want to make it up to you, so how about you come with me to visit Jake," Bella suggests.

Val and Luka look at each other before nodding simultaneously, "Yeah, we're down," Val responds.

"Cool, just follow me," Bella gets in her car.

Val and Luka get into their car, following Bella out of the parking lot of the school and down to the reservation, the twenty-five minute drive going by nice and easy. The couple pulls up behind Bella to a red house with tons of land. Jacob runs out at the sound the car door shutting.

"Bella!" The Quileute boy greets the pale girl with a smile, pulling her in for a hug. He looks at Val and Luka in confusion, "I didn't know you were bring anybody over."

"Hey," Bella hugs him back with a small smile on her face, "and it was sorta last minute, I hope you don't mind. You remember Valentina and Luka?"

"I think so, prom?" Jacob asks for confirmation.

Luka and Val chuckle, "Yeah, sorry about that. It's nice to meet you again, Jacob," The couple extend their hands which Jacob accepts.

"You, too," Jake smiles, "so did Bella tell you?"

Val cocks her head at Bella, "Tell us what?"

"It's better if I show you," Bella bites her lip in excitement. They all make their way to the shed where there's two motorcycles.

"Holy shit," Val's mouth opens in shock.

"Dude," Luka laughs pulling Bella in for a hug, "this shit is sick!"

"I can't believe you had the balls to actually get them! Does Charlie know?" Val goes around inspecting the progress on the bikes. Bella had mentioned her neighbor had put them out, but she never expected the human to actually buy them.

"Are kidding me? He'd kill me if he found out!"

"No wonder you've been MIA for a few weeks,"

"I was actually gonna go teach Bella how to ride today, you guys are more than welcome to come," Jake offers.

"Uh, fuck yeah, I wouldn't miss that for the world," Valentina agrees excitedly.

"Great," Jake smiles, "Luka, you mind giving me a hand loading up the bikes?"

"Let's go," Luka makes his way toward the bikes after handing his faux leather jacket to Val, not wanting to mess it up.

Succubus ✧ E. Cullen + J. HaleWhere stories live. Discover now