Ever After II

466 24 9

Finished - Dec 5, 2020

Word Count - 4716

Music - Two Steps From Hell - Miracles

Continuation to my previous short story, Ever After. The original shot took a lot of inspiration from the folk tale Cinderella and the movie Ever After. This is the second part to their story, where Lucy leaves her Villa and goes to the palace with Natsu.


"Lets go home." Natsu's words flooded Lucy's tired mind, she had never thought of her previous residency as home. The thought of a real home was foreign but deeply craved.

Lucy was removed gently from Natsu's lap as he stood up, dusting his white pants from the hey on the floor. He also took off his black and gold coat and dropped it over Lucy's shoulders. The fabric was warm and smelled like Natsu.

"This should keep you covered." Natsu helped Lucy weave her wounded arms into the long sleeves.

Lucy remembered her haggard appearance and pulled the coat around her tighter. In all the surprise, she had forgotten how unladylike she looked. Only wearing her undergarments and the light under slip from her gown at the ball. But the lovely satin material was now ripped and ruined. Slashes ripped through the cloth where she had previously been whipped.

"I-I'm sorry." Lucy apologized for the sight of her.

"Nothing about this is your fault." Natsu placed his hand on the top of her head in reassurance. Lucy nodded in response, now feeling silly about apologizing.

"Can you walk?" Offered his hand out to her for stability.

"I think." Lucy tucked her legs underneath her and pushed herself off the ground, but found it was much harder than she thought it would be. For her legs were gravely sore from the massive list of house work she did before the ball, plus her sprint back to the Villa where her Malinda caught her. Not to mention the double dose of torture she endured. Her entire body was exhausted and couldn't function correctly.

Natsu caught her arms as she wobbled, she was obviously not ready to walk on her own yet. Knowing this, Natsu decided it would be easier to simply carry her. He gently leaned down and placed his left arm under her knees and lifted her off her feet.

This action earned no complaint form Lucy, which surprised him. Usually she was feisty and never let him carry her, but something about her was different this time. She was over exhausted and needed comfort, Natsu was more than willing to help in these matters.

"Grey." Natsu addressed his best man servant. "Ride ahead and notify the Castle medical staff that we will be arriving soon."

"Right away, Sir." Grey bowed slightly and turned on his heals towards the Palace.

"Who was that?" Lucy asked as Natsu started to ascend the ship's stairs.

"Thats Grey." Natsu smiled. "He is my personal servant, but really he's a trusted friend."

It was at this moment that Lucy realized that she didn't know any of Natsu friends. She had met his father briefly at the ball last night, but besides that, she was clueless about his home life. What were his friends like? Would they like her? Would she fit in? Was she fit to be a Princess?

They exited the upper deck of the shop and Lucy's eyes filled with sunlight. As her skin connected with the warm sun rays, she suddenly wasn't worried anymore. It was a new day and she had her whole life of freedom ahead of her. She never dreamed of the ability to go and do whatever she wanted, she always saw herself stuck serving Malinda. But now she felt a brightness that could not be compared.

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