Warmth of the Dark

736 32 6

Finished - April 17, 2020

Word Count - 1501

Music - Tartalo Music - Ballad of the Dragon(Bonus Track)


A storm in brewing  just outside Lucy's apartment. Natsu, Happy and Lucy hunker down for the storm when the power goes out.


Placing the last dish back into the cupboard, Lucy sighed happily. With a belly full and a content heart Lucy turned around to face her visitors on the other side of the kitchen counter.

"That was delicious!" Natsu pat his stomach merrily.

"Lushie is the best cook ever!" Happy agreed, laying face up on the table.

Lucy shook her head in the amusement of how easily pleased they were.

"Thanks for letting us have dinner with you, Luce!" Natsu rested his chin upon the counter and stared up at her.

"No problem, having you guys over is just an excuse for me to cook something nice. Besides, you two basically live here anyway." Lucy sat in the chair across from him.

A bright flash of light lit up the room for about a second, then disappeared almost instantly. The three inside directed their attention to the storm brewing just out the window.

Lucy closed her eyes and started to count, waiting for something. As she recited the numbers in her head, the silence was interrupted by a loud thunder. The noise started loud, crackled for a moment and then boomed louder than the first stroke. The noise made Lucy's chest tighten.

"Six. The storm is still six miles away." Lucy spoke her thoughts.

"Its getting closer though." Natsu looked out the window with a serious expression.

"Its supposed to be the largest storm of the year." Happy flopped himself over onto his stomach.

Secretly Lucy knew that this was the reason Natsu and Happy had insisted on having dinner with her. No matter how much they would deny it, she knew that they wanted to make sure she was safe during the storm. Of corse they knew that Lucy would be fine on her own, but something in Natsu needs to be with her.

"Well..." Lucy was about to say something but was once again interrupted, this time her windows shook violently. The rain pelted against the glass as the wind crashed the water against them furiously.

Before anyone could say another word, the room went dark. All present in the small apartment were surrounded by black.

"Oh no." Lucy groaned, not moving from her stop at the table. "Looks like the wind knocked out the magic energy lines."

Not even a second later another burst of light flashed. The brightness cast shadows around the room, illuminating the room for a moment. In this small second Lucy saw that Natsu was looking at her, not turning to watch the flash. The lightning subsided and returned them to darkness.

"Natsu?" Lucy wondered why he was looking at her, though now she could not see his expression.

A miniature flame bloomed from Natsu's hand, the warm light caught Lucy's eye in the darkness. The silhouette of Natsu's fingers contrasted greatly with the dancing sparks surrounding them.

"Well Happy, it looks like we aren't going home any time soon." The boy sighed, obviously not disappointed.

As they spoke another burst of thunder rattled the roof. Five miles.

Nalu One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon