Return from Elderwood

241 15 0

Finished - October 19, 2021

Word Count - 20520

Music - Thomas Bergersen - Heart

Finally home from their experience in Elderwood, the Guild notices Natsu and Lucy's strange behavior. Why aren't they talking? Why are they suddenly so close? Mira is brave enough to ask the question, "What happened?"


"Did you see that?"

"Something just fell from the sky!"

Strange voices floated around Natsu's brain. His body too sore to move, his fuzzy mind caught pieces of the sound around him.

"See their marks?"

"Someone get Fairytail quick! They can help."

Natsu drifted in and out of consciousness, his eyelids too heavy to open, but he could imagine what he looked like. The urgency of the voices told him that he was not in good shape. His energy was completely depleted to do anything more than listen. He mentally thanked the locals for their help. 

"They're here!" The same unfamiliar voice caught his attention again. He must have fallen asleep, because it seemed only moment ago they they left for help.

"Oh my god..." A much more familiar voice gasped, it sounded like Erza. His heart leapt in relief, he truly was home...finally.

"Flip him over." A famanine voice started barking rushed orders. Her tone laced with urgency, worry and relief. "Keep that pressure."

Natsu's tired mind couldn't keep up with all the commotion around him. Even with closed eyes, his awareness was flickering.

"She needs water immediately." The voice, Natsu now recognized as Wendy, urged.

"Find her keys, they should be around here, I think I saw one when we arrived." Erza's voice came closer.

With the mention of Lucy, the memories suddenly flooded back into his mind. She was alive, they both made it out. Out of Elderwood. He didn't know what he would do if he came back without her.

"Wendy..." A softer voice chimed, it sounded like it was right next to Natsu's ear. "Thats a lot of blood."

"I know Happy..." The previously firm tone in Wendy's voice was gone, replaced with sorrow.

"I can't believe they are alive."


Natsu awoke suddenly, his body recovering from the sensation of falling. Catching his breath, he regained his bearings.

The comforting walls of the Fairytail Infirmary washed over his tense soul. He was really home? Did he dare allow himself to believe it?

As his heart calmed its rapid beating, he sat up slowly. As the covers fell off him, he realized how carefully his chest had been wrapped. His injuries of repetitive whipping; now cleaned and dressed. He was not accustomed to this type of kindness anymore.

Sharing the bed with him was Happy, curled up in a fluffy ball upon his legs. Natsu gently placed his rough hand upon Happy's blue fur, the warm feeling was  familiar. He sat there petting his companion until the feline woke up. The moment the cat stirred, he jumped up with enthusiasm and tackled Natsu into a massive hug.

"You were gone for so long! No one knew where you were! We were so worried! Never leave me like that again!" Happy rambled, not stopping for breath.

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