Broken Contracts

609 16 1

Finished - March 1, 2022

Word Count - 11,623

Music - Two Steps From Hell - Believe

The Dragneel family of three start their morning by helping Natsu pack for his Mission with Erza and Grey. But when Natsu returns, something is wrong. Something is missing and his life will change forever.


Three sets of bare feet padded against the floor, quickly shuffling from room to room. The busy family gathered themselves hastily in the early morning rush.

"Have you seen my leather hip bag?" Natsu was in the process of tearing apart his dresser.

"Did you look in the closet?" Lucy answered him from the living room.

Before Natsu had time to open the sliding doors, an excited voice caught his attention.

"I found it Papa! It was on the couch."

Looking down, Natsu saw his daughter holding his pouch up to him. Her tiny hands raised as far up as she could reach.

"Thank you Layla!" He praised. "Im hiring you as my new detective."

The small child was lifted up by her father and tossed in the air, earning delightful giggles from the girl.

"Goodness, looks like you're having fun." Lucy stepped into the room, observing the silly scene. Natsu hugged his daughter one last time and set her feet back on the ground.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked his wife.

"I think we're all set." She reached into her bag a puller out her list, scanning her notes.

"I'm going to miss you Papa." Layla hugged his leg.

"Don't worry sunshine." He placed his hand on her head lovingly. "Uncle Grey and I have a very short mission. We'll be back tomorrow."

"Why can't I come? I can use magic too." Layla held out Plue's silver key with big eyes.

Natsu and Lucy made eye contact and sighed. Layla was just like her mother, always wanting to be helpful: a true heart of gold. However, she was only three years old and not ready for a mission.

"How about this," Lucy kneeled next to Natsu and Layla. "When your father comes home, we can all go on a mission together. As a family, all three of us."

"Really?!" Her eyes sparkled in excitement.

"I think that's a great idea! You can even get your official Fairytail mark, for your first mission." Natsu agreed.

"Then it's settled, next mission we all go." Lucy held out her hand to her daughter, who gave her an enthusiactic high five.

Natsu grabbed his large bag and swung it over his shoulder. He carried his things towards the door prepared to leave. He slipped on his shoes and wrapped his scarf around his neck.

The two girls joined him in the entryway, Layla running around the room wildly, screaming in excitement. While Lucy watched his moves closely, her nerves always rising whenever he left. She never truly recovered after he left for so long to train. Even though years had passed, her anxiety always spiked every time he left the house.

"I will be right back, I promise." Natsu reached out to his wife and squeezed her hand, knowing she was nervous.

"I know you will, I trust you." She smiled.

He leaned down to her lips and gave her a kiss, he savored her flavor and love. He wouldn't see her until tomorrow evening, so he soaked in the memory.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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