Perils of the Sea

565 13 3

Finished - Jan 12, 2021

Word Count - 6372

Music - Two Steps From Hell - Norwegian Pirate

Fairytail is one of the only good Pirate ships to sail the seas of Fiore. Natsu and Lucy act as scouts and are responsible to retrieve a stolen necklace from an enemy ship. What happens when they run into a trap and someone they didn't expect to meet?

WARNING: Depictions of sexual assault


The Fiorian Seas were never quiet, for it was full of ships traveling through it's waters. Boats made for transport, cargo and even some merchants. However, the most deadly of ships were those that held Pirates. These thieves vandalized homes, destroyed towns and tore families apart for their own self interests. Each acting upon their villainous thinking, simply because they could get away with it. Using their swords and large groups to take advantage of innocent people.

However, they was one "Pirate" ship unlike the rest. This was a ship made by the people, for the people. This crew was handpicked by the Council and used as a defense against dreadful pirates. Each member a master swordsman, marksman, strategist or navigator. They called themselves Fairytail, that they might be a beacon of hope or the civilians of land.

Fairytail had been given a new mission; retrieve a stolen, ancient necklace from an enemy ship. This shouldn't be a hard task, but the artifact was aboard the Tartaros. This particular group was much deadlier than most and would take the highest level of caution.

Therefore Fairytail sent their best team to complete the job. An elite team of two, a small enough group so they wouldn't attract attention. The first member is exceptionally resourceful, cunning, with excellent slight-of-hand. The second has heightened senses, therefore extremely observant and protective of their comrades. They are both experts in close combat and stealth. They had been partners for years and have mastered their techniques together. Making them the perfect team for spy missions.

Together they both walked on the docks, making their way towards their dangerous destination. One male, one female, they walked cautiously close to the edge of the water. The male stood much taller than his partner, his eyes easily gazed over the top of her head. Reflexively, he always kept one eye out for danger when they were alone.

"See anything yet?" Natsu's partner Lucy asked, knowing that his eyes wouldn't stay steady.

He took a deep breath and shook his head. "Not yet."

"Good. We shouldn't yet. Their ship is docked on the south side of the pier, so we have a bit further till we get there." Lucy double checked her notes.

Lucy was right, the Fairytail was docked far away form the Tartaros. This way the enemy wouldn't spot their ship and they would be far enough away if something went awry.

"Then...can I do this?" Natsu took Lucy's hand in his, not waiting for her answer.

Lucy laughed at his childish action and nodded, squeezing his fingers gently. Once they start their mission, there would be not time for them to show their affection. If their enemies found out how close they were, it could be used an a weapon against them. Therefore they kept their relationship a secret outside of Fairytail.

"You are sure they will be here?" Natsu asked.

"I'm sure. Levy and I have been tracking them for weeks. This is the only western port they use to restock their supplies. According to our calculations, they should have arrived late last night and are currently loading everything on now." Lucy once again pulled out her notebook and read her notes. "We should be able swim around to the side of the ship and climb up the anchor. The whole should be large enough for us to enter. That will bring us directly into the lower decks. From there we just need to find the treasure room."

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