Apology of a Lifetime

819 27 1

Finished - June 18, 2020

Word Count - 3050

Music - Two Steps From Hell - Westward

Lucy finally had the day off, a day to relax....sort of. She had loads of house chores to catch up on. But what happens when she cannot complete the housework?

When writing "The Switcher's Storm" I created a scenario I just had to write! Hope you enjoy it!


The icy taste of strawberry filled Lucy's mouth, she relished in the delightful flavor of summer. Her lips upon a straw she sipped her smoothie, whilst observing the guilds rash behavior. Even after returning from a large Mission the day prior, everyone was still as rambunctious as ever.

Lucy was enjoying her morning at the Guild, for she must return to her apartment to complete all the house work from her return home. She needed to go grocery shopping, do laundry and do a general cleaning of her apartment.

At this point she was stalling, in all honesty she didn't want to do her chores. So instead she was mindlessly watching her friends throw themselves into battle. However her excuse to stay at the guild dried up as her glass emptied. She could no longer avoid the mound of tasks she had waiting for her.

Sighing she rose from the counter and returned the cup to Mira.

"Thanks for the drink Mira." Lucy thanked the pale haired mage.

"No problem Lucy. Where you headed?" Mira seemed to notice she was walking towards the door.

"I have a lot of stuff to get done back home." Lucy sighed, not excited about it.

"Don't push yourself too hard, you guys worked really hard on that last job." Mira pointed out.

"Tell me about it." Lucy rubbed her sore shoulder.

"Well, you should let Natsu know where you are going. You know how he gets when you disappear." She smirked, obviously hinting at something else.

Although Mira undoubtedly had other intentions, she was correct. Natsu definitely didn't like when Lucy left without him and if she tried to leave, he would simply follow her.

Therefore she stretched her legs as she stood from the wooden stool. Lifting a hand to her mouth she attempted to gain Natsu's attention, however the boy was grossly engaged in a brawl. Fists flew, dust scattered and feet tapped upon surfaces that feet should not. In simple terms, there was no way Lucy could catch his attention from her current position.

She knew better than to waltz into the crazy commotion, for she valued her health. However, luck seemed to be on her side today. Just before she turned to leave, Natsu was tossed into the table next to her. She thought it safe enough away from the rest of the bustle, she skipped over and squat down next to him.

"Hey, Natsu." She placed a hand gently on his shoulder.

However, Natsu didn't turn off his battle mode and didn't seem to notice his friend beside him. The focused dragon had narrowed his mind on his "advisories" and completely tuned out everything else. Therefore, without taking notice to Lucy's presence, enveloped his body with bright flames. The hot fire bursting from him violently and quickly.

Lucy shielded herself with her hands, too close to her partner to flee. She didn't expect him to suddenly explode, she was not prepared! A great burning ripped at her skin, tearing her fingers and palms. She exclaimed in pain, a sharp and sudden yelp of anguish.

Natsu recognized this noise immediately as his eyes darted to his right, seeing Lucy cowering from him. He extinguished his flames and leaned down to she what had happened. Why did she scream?

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