
471 13 8

Finished - March 15, 2020

Word Count - 8394

Music - Two Steps From Hell - Casablanca

Inspired by Edens Zero chapter 112 and Planet of the Apes. Natsu and Lucy was magically sent to an alternate universe where something inhuman rules the realm and humans are considered to be pets or wild animals.


Lucy groaned as she massaged her sore head, her vision not yet focused. Her back cracked as she sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes hoping the action would return her sight back to normal.

The last thing she could recall was going on a mission with the rest of her team. Erza, Grey, Wendy, Happy and Natsu all together. But as Lucy looked around she found herself alone in a large open field. Under different circumstances, it would be a beautiful place.

Long golden grass grew up to Lucy's waist as a green wall of forest encircled the large meadow. But at the moment, she couldn't admire the land's charm. She needed to find somewhere or something familiar to lead her home.

Reaching down to her belt she grasped her keys, preparing to summon a spirit to guide her in the right direction, or at least tell her how she had gotten to this strange place. But the moment she detached Loki's key she noticed something that made her heart drop.

She couldn't feel any magical energy coming from his key, none at all! Lucy closed her eyes and concentrated on her connection to her Spirits, hoping to make a mental connection. But it seemed that there was a wall separating her from contacting them. She was completely cut off from her magic. Not only was this worrisome, but it also meant that her main source of defense was gone. She really needed to keep her guard up now.

Lucy looked around once again, trying to decide on which direction to go. Just as she made up her mind, she saw something that shocked her.

The blue sky suddenly opened, a yellow portal hovering about ten feet from the ground. Lucy ran towards the strange circle on the sky, hoping that this was a sign or a way out. She stepped directly below and starred up into the swirling portal in awe. Something black was slowly falling towards her, the shadow growing bigger as it grew closer.

Her trained eyes caught the object immediately and hyper focused on it, when she noticed how fast it was traveling towards her head she dodged out of the way. Missing her by a few feet the black form hit the ground this a hard thud.

Before the dust had settled, the sky portal shrunk and disappeared without a trace. Sighing in disappointment Lucy waved her hand in front of her face in an attempt to clear the rising dust. As she did so, the dirt had time to rest and revealed what had fallen from the sky.

Lucy immediately recognized the black robes and rushed to it. Using her upper body strength she managed to heave the mans shoulders over, setting a head of pink in her lap.

"Na-!" Lucy was only able to call out the first part of his name and shook his shoulder in an attempt to wake him.

He had fallen so far, was he alright?

Lucy checked for injuries, but found that he was mostly fine despite his long fall. One last shake and Natsu started to open his eyes groggily. The man never liked mornings or waking up, but the moment he saw Lucy he jumped to his feet and smiled.

"Lu-!" He hugged her tightly and Lucy found his reaction amusing.

"Whabo hao huy gabbo?" Natsu seemed to ask Lucy a question in complete seriousness, but she understood absolutely nothing he had said.

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