Perils of the Sea II

248 9 1

Finished - April 26, 2022

Word Count - 5249

Music - Two Steps From Hell - Magika

Reunited at last, Natsu and Lucy are not out of danger yet. Still aboard an enemy ship, they need to get back to the Fairytail. But will they make it back without confronting an enemy? Who will they meet on their way home?


Despite the peacefully moment Natsu and Lucy shared, they were still not safe. Even though they reunited, they were still aboard an enemy ship and in the middle of a battle.

Natsu was acutely aware of this fact as he held a very fragile Lucy in his arms. He had to get her off this bloody boat and back to the Fairytail, quickly. Lucy was still loosing a decent amount of blood, even after he cleaned her off. He didn't have anything to wrap her with, plus, it was a very sensitive area and he didn't want to hurt her further.

"You think you can hold on to my back?" He asked.

"Yeah." Lucy answered quietly, still recovering from her tramatic event.

Natsu released her from his embrace and turned around and kneeled in front of the bed. Lucy practically fell onto of him, her energy drained. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hoisted her gently piggyback style.

This method of carrying would be much more maneuverable once he was above deck. He would be able to move faster and more efficiently this way. He just hoped he wouldn't run into anyone looking for a particular fight with him.

Once he found his balance, he started to make his way towards the door, however, Lucy's voice stopped him.

"Wait." She muttered with force.

Natsu paused and turned his attention to the girl on his back.

"My sword." Lucy pointed a finger to the floor where her stiletto sword lay.

Natsu walked over and bent down, allowing her to pick it up from its discarded place. Lucy was very attached to her sword, every pirate was. But her sword was very special to her, Lucy's mother had it made especially for her when she joined the Fairytail crew. Her mother had passed away soon after her going the ranks, but Lucy continued to fight for what she believed in. This was one of the many reasons he loved her.

Because Lucy's mother had made her the sword, the weapon was very expensive and master crafted. Gold detailing enriched the hilt and sheath, making it a high coveted by her enemies. Again, Lucy could care less about its physical value, the sword meant so much more to her because of its sentimental value.

"Once we get above deck I am going to run straight through, hold on tight." Natsu warned her.

"I doubt we'll be able to avoid all the unfriendliness up there." Lucy listened to the commotion happening above them.

"We'll have to try, Im getting you to Fairytail as quickly as possible."

"Hey, I can still-"

"No. You are not." Natsu cut her off.

"But-" She tried to argue, but was once again interrupted.

"No way in hell are you fighting in your condition."

Lucy pouted and puffed out her cheeks. "We'll see."

Not wanting to draw any attention towards them, Natsu snuck quietly up the stairs and peeked his head out the door frame. The entire deck was filled with the sounds of swords clashing and loud yelling. The great chaos was almost overwhelming. Usually Natsu would be eager to jump in and help his comrades, but he currently had a different focus.

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