Ancient Threads

778 28 4

Finished - January 15, 2020

Word Count - 4084

Music - Prince of Egypt - Reprimand

Alternate Universe where Natsu and Lucy live in ancient Egypt. Princess Lucetta and her personal guard Commander Natu dream about running away from Egypt to live together. But Lucetta has royal duties and is not ready. What will change her mind?


Deep within the Sahara desert, laid an immense kingdom. The powerful and strong nation of Egypt. Set in the middle of the wasteland, a lush and prosperous empire thrived.

Under the hot sun, the red sands of the ancient times when Pharaohs ruled. The mighty king of Egypt, Suten-Ouza sat upon his throne and ruled with a firm hand. His wife Layhut passed away many years ago and only left him with one child.

She was a small girl with a pale complexion, just like her mother had been. Princess Lucetta mostly stayed inside the Palace, since her skin burned so easily she had to stay out of the sun. She was the only one in the Kingdom with such a light tone. Her mother Layhut had been a princess from a foreign country, sent to marry the Pharaoh and create an alliance.

Princess Lucetta walked down the open corridors of the stone palace, escorted by her personal Guard, Commander Natu. The man was well shaped and fit, for he needed to be in order to be able to protect the Princess. He wore a simple Egyptian linen skirt, complete with leather wrist braces, belts and scandals. Fortunately for all his obverses, his tan upper body was left open for all to see, making it quite hard for those not to look too long.

He was her best friend, but in public he needed to remain focused and professional. Therefore, they walked in silence towards the throne room.

Natu followed behind the Princess, keeping a watchful eye out, but when they approached the grand room. He stepped ahead of her and opened the heavy doors for her to step inside, bowing respectfully as she passed. Her silky white garments rippled behind her as she walked.

When she had completely entered the room, Natu released his grip on the door and continued to follow behind her. As they came into view of Pharaoh, both Guard and Princess bowed themselves down in the presence of their King.

"Ah, Princess Lucetta." Her Father addressed her formally.

"You summoned me." Lucetta's voice chimed with a hint of nervousness.

"Yes, please rise." King Suten-Ouza stood from his throne and came down the stairs to meet them. "I head a rumor that there is a group of bandits who wish to take your life."

Lucetta was not surprised by this news, nor was she frightened. For this was not the first time she had heard of someone wanting to kill her. Because she was an alien in her own country and some very proud Egyptians did not like that their Princess did not look like them. Therefore she was not fazed by this news.

"You know what that means Lucetta." King Suten-Ouza looked her in the eye, looking more like a father than a king now.

"Yes." She nodded and rolled her eyes.

"Good" Suten-Ouzan seemed to relax a bit, then turned his attention to Natu. "The usual precautions Commander Natu, and she does not leave your sight until I give the word."

Natu nodded and dipped his head in deep regard. Without another word Natu and the Princess returned from the same direction they had came and walked in silence the path back to the Princess's chambers.

Lucetta let out a large sigh as she finally shut the door to her room. The only place she ever felt she could be truly safe, or really be herself. The rest of the large Palace was beautiful and spacious, but it had eyes and ears everywhere. Lucetta knew her quarters were secure, she made sure they were!

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