🍋 Secrets Under the Blanket 🍋

705 14 7

Finished - June 9th, 2021

Word Count - 3596

Music - Efisio Cross - Sacred Wildlife

Fairytail University is usually empty during Winter Break, but several students decided to stay at. their dorms instead of going home. After a quick study group, the students decide to watch a movie. What will happen in the dark and will someone get caught?

Thank you guys so much for all the positive feedback! Because you all showed so much excitement towards my new inspirations for NSFW. Here is my first attempt at writing something PG-13. Please let me know what you think! I always appreciate you thoughts!



Adjusting the soft material over her shoulders Lucy tugged her blanket closer to her body. This Magnolia winter has been much brisker than past years. Lucy sat as close to the fire as possible in the common lounge of her Dormitory. She was in her second year studying Astrology at Fairytail University.

Her eyes realized that they had not gained anything from the paragraph she was reading. Sighing, she backtracked and started the paragraph over again. As much as she loved the stars and the amazing stories they each held, her text books always seemed to suck the excitement out of everything.

Lucy doesn't regret majoring in Astrology, but sometimes she just wanted to take a nap instead of studying...well most of the time.

"You look like you need a break." A voice caught her attention as she rubbed her eyes, tired of reading so much.

Lucy looked up to see her boyfriend Natsu joining her by the fire. "I cant take a break. This is due by tonight."

"Then it's a good thing I brought coffee." Natsu sat next to her and handed her one of the mugs in his hands.

"You are the greatest." Lucy kissed him, knowing she would have coffee breath later.

"I know." He smirked.

Lucy hit him lightly on the shoulder, unamused by his self-confidence.

"Watch it, I could spill me tea." Natsu teased her; over-reacting to her wussy attack. Lucy simply rolled her eyes silently and returned to her notes.

The sound of Lucy's scribbling and crackling of the fire were the only sounds to echo through the large room. Usually the main lounge would be a bustling hub for the Dormitory, it was a large Dorm holding both male and female students. Of corse each gender had their specific floors, but the lower floors were public to anyone living within the building. The main floor consisted of the Kitchen, Lounge and even gaming/TV room.

Concerning the Lounge's current emptiness; it was the week before Christmas and most students had gone home to celebrate the Holidays with their families. The only Students left, were people who had no families to return to, or simply wished a quieter vacation. This did not leave many people in the building.

Natsu finished his spiced chai and set his mug on the table in front of him. As he leaned back into his seat, he draped his left arm over Lucy's shoulders. She immediately leaned closer to him, not so focused on her work anymore. However, after a moment she was right back in her studies.

Letting the atmosphere wrap around him, Natsu soaked up the moment. Simply enjoying the peace. He listened to Lucy's pencil markings and watched the flickering of the fire. He always loved fire, even as a child.

Of corse his pyro headed tendencies backfired on him when he was younger, but he had found a new relationship with the intense flames. Instead of lighting napkins ablaze in his closet, he decided he wanted to learn how to control fire.

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