|> Taehyung <|

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Taehyung waves his family goodbye, lifting his bag a little further over his shoulder.

He takes in a deep breath, rushing to school. He's hidden his elfish features, but none can be truly disguised. He still has his emerald green eyes, his wood brown hair, even just a slight point at his ears.

But he's happy. All of his family has graduated.

There was Jungkook, the youngest son, the vampire breed.

Visually, the boy was all vampiric, but when you really got to know him, inside he was all dog and play.

His two older brothers, the twins, Namjoon and Hoseok, were werewolf from features. Hoseok likes to say he's the leader because he's the oldest of the two by twelve minutes, but whenever Namjoon is angry at him he'll quickly back away like a dog with his tail between his legs.

Namjoon was much more werewolfish than Hoseok, thicker hair, pointier ears, a strong habit of growling, and he grew out his nails. Besides that, he likes to keep himself trimmed up in wolf form. He's mostly vampiric when it comes to personality though.

Hoseok in that fact hates to be trimmed. He's the hairiest out of the kids, with wild, uncombed hair, a light stubble, and always showing off his fangs when he smiles.

He's all werewolf, although in his wolf form he is more vampiric hostile and constantly starts fights with the younger twin.

Jungkook usually watches, amused and placing bets with his mom.

Taehyung, however, belongs in none of those categories. He wasn't birthed by the vampiric mother, nor was he a child from the werewolf father.

In fact, he was adopted.

Taehyung remembers it clearly. He was already a teen back then. No one wants a teen, he thought.

But when the family walked in, he couldn't help but sense their instincts. Thus, they took him.

Taehyung later learned that their mother was tired of giving birth after the terrible twins and with Jungkook she had enough. But she wanted one more kid.

So they went for adoption.

And now he's off to school!

Due to Taehyung living his entire life without knowing about elves, he and his new dad did some research. From that he concluded that Taehyung was a forest elf.

He also found out they had magic, but Taehyung never got to understand that.

He liked hanging out with his brothers and a lot and their aggressive behaviour rubbed off on him. He was a playful wild elf growing up.

He learned how to growl and hiss just like them and uses it when angry. It doesn't sound fluent, but everyone understands what he's saying at least.

Arriving at school, he goes through the day, running the hours until the end.

And once the bell rings to signal the end of the school day, Taehyung packs up and goes to the back of the school, looking around before sneaking inside.

He smiles at the empty basketball field and quickly drops his bag.

He closes the door and slowly gets into the middle of the field. He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes and concentrating on his magic.

His hands glow in green, a light trail following them as he moves to make his magic happen.

Green sparkles and swirls erupt from his fingers, Taehyung wasting no time to play with it.

Mythical Short Stories - 방탄손연단 PART 3Where stories live. Discover now