《> Hoseok <》

335 6 34

《=|Mono & Probe|=|Sope|=》


Yoongi stares at the letter that's been given him. His aunt looks at him.

"I'm transferring schools again?" Yoongi asks softly.

"Hmhm." His aunt nods, taking a sip of her coffee. "To a boy's school this time."

"... Why?"

His aunt grins at him. "Is it a problem? You're eighteen and you never brought a girl home. It's not like you'll date someone in your school years."

Yoongi chuckles and nods. He keeps his options open.

He grabs the remote and clicks the TV on, smiling at his aunt who scoffs at his TV addiction.

But Yoongi's smile falls into a serious frown.

The news is on. It's telling them about murders, suicides, and dramas.

A show... No, not a show. Video proof.

A man, kneeling down, crying and screaming with a bloodied knife in his hands, two other men on the floor and a picture of, what to assume is his wife, clutched against his chest.

The man swings the knife, until he screams in agony. The video cuts off, right as the knife lunges for his own stomach.

"Another Mono has lost a Probe. These six words are becoming more and more recent to this day. Scientists have realized this reason, after years of examining the reason for so many monochrome people involved murders and suicides."

Yoongi knows.

He knows, because he is a monochrome himself.

"Aish." His aunt grumbles, turning the TV on a different channel. "Why are you watching that."

Yoongi looks down at his lap. His hands are a light shade of grey in his eyes. He lives in a world of monotone colors. Different shades of grey and black.

Moonlight grey, silver grey, black grey, metal grey, black...

Those are the most common shades he sees.

All Monos have a Probe. Probes allow them to see color. Their face is the only thing that can show them color.

But as the news showed... Once a Mono meets his Probe, they'll become obsessed with color. So much that they'll go insane once they don't.

That's why Yoongi isn't interested in meeting his Probe. He is afraid of becoming insane like them.

But with an all boy's school he won't have to worry. Most male Monos are accompanied by a female Probe. It has been very rare to see same sex Monos and Probes.


Yoongi stares into the grey classroom. His teacher, a young adult who looks like he just slipped out of bed, tells him to introduce himself.

"My name is Min Yoongi." Is all he says.

The teacher simply leaves it at that since it technically is what he asked for and tells him to seat himself in an empty seat.

There are two.

One in the near corner, diagonally the second chair in the row from the corner of the far end of the wall, and in the exact middle of the class.

Yoongi choose the first option.

Once he's seated, the teacher starts counting students. But he frowns a little.

Mythical Short Stories - 방탄손연단 PART 3Where stories live. Discover now