•> REMAKE <●

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Hearing little crickets in the night, it's surprisingly bright still. Being in Spring and having had an extremely long day.

Passing a pandemic was one thing, but now that things were starting to open up, all the members were happy to see their fans once again after such a long time.

They were put on schedule. Four fan meetings in different places.

They just had their first. Although hard to get back into, it was worth it.

Lots of gifts and wholesome letters from fans that every one of them appreciated.

There was one tiny hiccup. They got a lot of food, but put on a strict schedule to get back into it. So sadly, the food was left saved.

But although they usually kept their rules, Namjoon and Yoongi were both far too stubborn to say no to a few snacks.

Thus, staying up for a few more hours to "look over the lyrics".

This was code for "let's eat what we aren't allowed to".

A classic for Yoongi and Namjoon, and the members knew it. But after all they only had themselves with it.

Yoongi was the only one however with a strange package.

They often got packages of gifts or fragile things, but this one was odd.

It had a smell and it was tightly wrapped with multiple knots of rope. Yoongi already found it quite strange since the girl who gave it only looked down, wore a mask and a Love Yourself hoodie, hiding her nearly entirely.

She only spoke softly and nodded when she gave it to him.

All she said was "please use it alone".

That brings him to the moment of tonight. Where in between all the gifts set aside, Yoongi fishes out a pine scented box.

Jewelry sized, not a sound when he shakes it.

"What's that?"

Yoongi looks up at Namjoon's question. He shrugs.

"A fan gave it to me today. She told me use it alone."

"Alone?" Namjoon frowns. "Maybe she just wants your attention on her gift alone. So you know she adores you."

"That's kind." Yoongi smiles softly. "All of them are."

Namjoon nods, then grins and snatches the box from him.

Yoongi scowls at him, but lets the younger open the small box. To their surprise, it's not a ring. Nor a necklace or a bracelet.

It's... some sort of cake.

Yoongi takes it before Namjoon can, swallowing it at once, teasing the leader with a face.

Namjoon whines, saying he wanted it.

Yoongi hums at the taste, only making Namjoon more annoyed, teasingly hitting the older on his shoulder.

"This the last one?" He asks. "You eat a lot."

Yoongi nods. "Yeah."

Even with a full mouth, the younger gets up and ready for bed. Namjoon wishes him goodnight as Yoongi returns the words, both moving into their rooms.

Each of them has their own bed, for for the comfort of sleeping they all have a roommate. All but one.

Being with seven means one member sleeps alone.

Mythical Short Stories - 방탄손연단 PART 3Where stories live. Discover now