{> Namjoon <}

592 8 16

{=|Black Feathers|=|NamSeok|=}


The night would always start out so smooth and calm for the scientist. Each day would bring another solution and each solution would lead to more answers.

Well, unfortunately for that one unfaithful night.

The laboratory had long closed, leaving the scientist with the keys.

He was so close to finding a cure.

So, so close!

But with the last drop of the black boiling liquid and five minutes of an anticipating wait, Namjoon sighs in defeat.

His shoulders slump, his foot hitting the table in annoyance as he failed himself once again.

The bottle stumbles, causing Namjoon to freeze, stopping as the round tube tumbles to the side, slowly making its way down the table.

Namjoon holds his breath, panic freezing when everything seems to go into slow-motion, his hand reaching out to grab the falling tube, until it shatters on the ground.

The black boiling liquid splashes everywhere, covering Namjoon's white lab coat, his hands, his pants, his shoes, and his pride as he sinks down to his knees.

He bites his lip, preventing his frustrated annoyance to fall further.

He wipes his hands clean with a towel and stands in front of the big window, sighing deeply the big stars shining.

They have something to shine for.

Namjoon however...

He looks down at his hands, a frown appearing on his face as the black liquid he just wiped away has reappeared.

Further than it was... Almost inside of his skin.

Namjoon pulls his sleeve back, a short gasp escaping his lips as the black inky liquid crawls further up his hand to his wrist, sinking into his veins.

He lets out a scream when it shoots up his arm, to his neck and his chest, reaching for his back where Namjoon feels his skin stretching and crawling.

He falls to his knees, tears of the black ink falling from his eyes instead of watery tears, his throat hurting as it hits his adam's apple.

He hurries to pull off his lab coat, his back burning in pain.

His hands tremble, a sudden rush of strength running through his arms and his chest when reaching for his shirt, accidentally flinching, ripping it off, the fabric burning over the sensitive rip on his back.

He screams, the skin on his back slowly ripping itself apart, blood running down his back as the skeleton of black bones grows itself out of the wounds like spikes.

He gasps, a loud demonic growl screeching from his throat, his eyes flaring wide open, his dark iris swirling into a deep reddish amber with a yellow surrounding.

The skeleton from his back hurts, each inch of the growth sending horrifying spurts of pain down his body.

He turns his head, staring at the dark feathers that cover the skeleton.

Finally the pieces click together for him.

The black ink he was told never to use had a risk. A risk no one ever told him because they never used it.

Namjoon had his suspicions that this did not come from earth.

With a loud growl, he finally feels his muscles again, his wings curling around his body as if protecting him while he catches his growling breath, anger surging through his veins.

Mythical Short Stories - 방탄손연단 PART 3Where stories live. Discover now