•> Jungkook <•

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•=|Try Me|=|JinKook|=•


Jungkook was excited. Really excited. Gone with the boring black eyes. He was going to have color!

From a certain age, your fate would be decided from your parents.

At the age of eighteen, your eyes would be blue, green, or red.

Blue stands for a good future with fortune and happiness. An angel, in other words.

Green was neutral. A boring color. You'd live life making boring choices and working boring jobs.

But red... Everyone dreaded getting red eyes. Eyes of evil. You'd live life on the edge, making bad choices and making life miserable for others.

Red eyed people were usually avoided in public. There were companies for red eyed people, jobs they were allowed and not allowed to have. They even had to take a different driver's test and education to graduate or pursue a career.

Red eyed people were outcasts.

People feared them.

But Jungkook didn't think about that. He wanted to reveal his eyes with his friends.

Some had already turned eighteen, but with the promise came a purpose. They wore contacts until Jungkook, the youngest of them, got his eyes.

It was the last day of August, meaning tomorrow was the day that Jungkook got his eyes.

But he wasn't worried. Both of his parents had blue eyes, so it would only make sense he'd get blue eyes as well.

He had always been well-behaved and kind, kept his manners and apologized if he heard something wrong.

The night Jungkook went to sleep, he barely could. He was so excited.

There was the reveal with his parents first before his friends, but he made them promise not to say.

The morning he went downstairs, his parents were already waiting for him.

Both of their blue eyes were bright, and Jungkook could only hope he would have the same.

He opens his eyes widely to his parents, asking them what color they are.

Their happy faces fall. A fearful and disappointed look on their faces causes Jungkook's heart to drop.

"Are they green...?" He asks quietly.

His mother cups his cheeks, shaking her head as she engulfs him in a hug. Jungkook freezes, his arms falling to his sides.

A stinging few tears fall down his cheeks. He knows his answer.

His eyes are red.


Jungkook blinks every few seconds when he gets that strange feeling of his contact lenses moving.

His father gave him them.

He was so scared to face his friends. What if they could see through them? What if they could see his red eyes?


Jungkook flinches when he hears his name, being snapped from his trans.

"H-hyung! Hey!"

No surprise to see his friend with bright blue eyes.

"We both have blue eyes!" His friend giggles. "What are the odds?"

Jungkook gives him a soft sheepish smile. "What are the odds..."

Mythical Short Stories - 방탄손연단 PART 3Where stories live. Discover now