《> Jimin <》

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It's a cold winter day, snow trickling down the from the skies. It was all supposed to be fun and games.

But Hoseok and Jimin are terrified of what is in front of them.

It all its ups and downs, but his friends insisted it wasn't harmful.

But they were terribly wrong when they saw the consequences.


"So, what did you wanna say out of class?"


Hoseok cocks his brow at the older. "What?"

"Sleepover." Yoongi says again. "At my place. My parents are out so this would be perfect to get together finally."

"That coming from you! Wow, hyung!"

"Don't get used to it." Yoongi huffs.

Seokjin frowns a little. "Is it okay for your parents to be out and us in?"

"Do I look like I care?"

"Never have."

Jimin frowns. "I agree with Jin hyung. It doesn't feel right without your parents' permission."

"Come on!" Jungkook grins. "Wouldn't you wanna see what his house is like for his skin to be all spooky?"

Yoongi smacks Jungkook's hand away with a scowl. "Very funny."

Jimin looks up at Hoseok and Seokjin. The oldest just sighs in defeat and agrees, causing Hoseok to jump in too in panic.

Jimin gulps a little but nods.

And that is how they all ended up in the large house of Yoongi's parents.

The exterior was dark, probably the cause of Yoongi's skin. The bricks were a mix math of usual red bricks, greys, blacks, and even purple.

The front yard was filled with pumpkins of all kinds, little seeds spouted here and there, a few jars placed on a slab of wood with some vines coming from the open mouth of it.

The entrance door was two doors wide, painted pitch black with two hold ring rusty handles for the way in.

Lanterns hung by the side, candles inside nearly burnt out, wax dripping in the basket below them.

Yoongi simply opens the door, eyes widening a little as he rolls his eyes.

"I knew my parents were sloppy people." He grins.

Jimin looks back Namjoon's shoulder, frowning a little.

"You cook in a cauldron?" Namjoon asks, tilting his head.

"Of course not." Yoongi laughs. "We use it for science. My parents live very... magical lives, I suppose."

Hoseok gulps when looking around. The lighting is dim, the only source being candles on the walls and little glowing mushrooms in pots and jars.

There is red carpet on the dark wooden floor, the wallpaper is covered in runes, hanging garlic and other stuff you'd surprisingly see in a movie about witchcraft.

Jimin look at Hoseok, who look down at him. Both of them are nervous.

Slowly, Jimin tries to slot hands with him, which Hoseok gladly takes with a light blush of his cheeks.

Mythical Short Stories - 방탄손연단 PART 3Where stories live. Discover now